Page 56 of Love Me Always

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“I can’t stay here with someone who doesn’t believe me.” As much as I wanted to look away, I couldn’t. I didn’t want him to know he got under my skin with each passing day. I wanted him to know he didn’t intimidate me. “If I wanted to fuck Chad, I would have done it already when we lived under the same roof! But despite what you think of me, I was brought up and taught to only give myself to the man I was going to marry. Now I wished I never listened or obeyed!” I pulled myself away from him as I stormed out to the car. I never looked back because although I said I didn’t care, deep down, his accusations hurt more than I would ever admit.

I would never allow anyone to break me.

Especially not this bastard.

She walkedout the door barefoot and emotionally hurt, and I did nothing to stop her.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Red’s angry tone broke my thoughts. I knew I had fucked up; I didn’t need a lecture from the three men behind me.

Despite them working for me, they were my friends, and sometimes I needed to hear the shit they had to say.

“Follow her.” I didn’t turn my attention to Red; I didn’t need to see their angry and disappointed looks that burned holes into my back.

“You didn’t want me to drive her safely, but you want me to follow her? Prick.” Red barged past me as his shoulder knocked mine. I fisted his shirt to turn his attention to me.

“You might be her friend now, but don’t forget who you fucking work for!” I snapped as I let him go and shoved him stumbling backwards.

“No chance of that!” He retrieved his car keys from the locked drawer and rushed out towards the door.

“What the hell was that?” Gino asked as he finally invaded the kitchen, Emmet hot on his heels.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“How could you let her walk of here like that? Why didn’t you let Red drive her? Anything could happen to her, aren’t you bothered?” he snapped, and I could hear the concern in his voice as I realised what I had done.

“I didn’t think—”

“No, you didn’t, and now she thinks she’s marrying a man who will never believe her word over his own thoughts.” Emmet rubbed his temples as he allowed his eyes to close momentarily.

“Are you seriously just going to let her go home?” Gino asked.

“This is her home.”

“Then fucking show it! You treat her like she’s fucking nothing in this house when you’re the one who wanted her to move in! Yes, you’re my boss and my best friend but what you’re doing is wrong and you know it!” He slid a glass of bourbon across the island towards me as he downed his own. “I won’t stand here and watch you continue to treat her that way. She isn’t just some one-night stand, she’s going to be your wife and she should have your utmost respect.” Gino poured another glass before he knocked it back once more.

“Either you want her, or you don’t. What’s it going to be?” Emmet asked as he lowered himself into one of the chairs at the table.

“It’s none of your business.” I threw the tumbler at the furthest wall as it smashed into a thousand pieces.

“So, what, you’ll marry her and treat her this way forever? If you’re lucky, she’ll give you an heir and you’ll just act as though she doesn’t exist?” he calmly asked, which pissed me off even more than before.

“No, of course not!” I turned to face him as he cocked his head to the side.

“Then what? You need to make up your fucking mind. You hurt her emotionally most days, yet she still comes to check on you when you’re a drunk mess. You speak to her like shit, yet she still brings you a damn coffee.” Emmet leaned forward and placed his elbows on his thighs. I knew he was right and that hurt more than anything else.

“Do you think I enjoy fucking up?” I asked as they stared at me with wide eyes.

“It sure looks like it.” Gino scoffed.

Before I could respond, my phone vibrated in my pants pocket.

“Red.” My heart dropped a little as I waited to hear if she made it home.

“She’s home, safe and sound, no thanks to you. She drove like a bat out of hell the whole way,” he snapped on the other end. “Chad was there. He was smoking at the gate with a couple of other men. He looked happy to see her home.”

“Send a couple of men to keep an eye on that slippery fucker. I don’t trust him.”

“Just like you don’t trust Ana.” Red hung up before I had the chance to respond.
