Page 69 of Love Me Always

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I watched her for a moment, the room still and silent, the only sound was her gentle breathing as her chest rose and fell steadily. There were no words to describe just how beautiful Anastacia was. She was a knockout, and I knew that from the moment I laid eyes on her; I was just too much of an arsehole to pay attention to her. It took a mother, a father, and three best friends to show me the way… well, get me on the path at least.

Anastacia had kept surprising me every day since she arrived here. She had tried to kill me, pissed me off in more ways than I could count, including the evening she lied about a damn date. But no matter what she did, I always took it further and made it ten times worse.

I finally closed my eyes and let myself get lost in the scent of the woman beside me, but that was short-lived as my phone jumped into action on the bedside table. I wasn’t in the mood for whoever this was, but knowing my luck, it would be something likely to drag me away from Ana.

“Red, what’s up?” I whispered, to assure Anastacia wasn’t disturbed.

“Why did you and Ana slip out of the party?” he questioned eagerly.

“Ana was tired, and we didn’t slip out. We said goodbye to you.” I ran my fingers through her hair as she stirred in my arms, her breasts pressed up against my side as I let out a low moan.

“Wait a fucking minute...” The line went silent for a moment but not for long. “Are you with her?”

“No, why would I be?” I glanced down at Ana sleeping like an angel. The delicately small nose stud twinkled under the moonlight.

“We all saw that kiss this evening. There is a lot more to the pair of you than hate. We all saw it.” Red might be a complete pain in the ass, but his heart was in the right place. “Please tell me you apologised at least?” He let out a sigh as if he had already guessed the answer.

“Just drop it now, I want to get some sleep.”

“Shh,” Anastacia shushed me whilst she slept, I didn’t think she even realised what she was doing. Her finger went up to my shocked lips as she snuggled her head into my tattooed chest.

“Holy shit! Ana is there with you, isn’t she?!” His voice was worse than nails on a chalkboard as I moved the phone away from my ear to save my hearing. “Gino! Our guy is with Ana!” And as always, the secret was out thanks to Red and his massive blabbering mouth.

“Yeah, we know that. He took her home.” Gino spoke quietly from beside him, the music from the party playing faintly in the distance as I guessed they were outside on the terrace for a smoke.

“No, I mean, really with her. She’s asleep in his bed!” You could hear the delight in Red’s voice. “It’s about damn time, man!”

“Fuck off and get fucked, prick.” I laughed quietly, and for the first time in what felt like a long time, it was genuine.

“Sounds like you already did,” Red joked as I stabbed the disconnect button. I’d heard enough for tonight. The only thing I needed right now was to lose myself in a restful night besideher.

* * *

In the middle of the night, the bed had turned cold and roomy, I didn’t have a certain blonde-haired beauty invading my space. She was gone…

Where the fuck was she?!

I threw on some sweatpants as I padded bare foot over to the darkened bathroom. I knew she wasn’t in there, but it didn’t hurt to check. It wasn’t until I saw her evening gown had disappeared that I knew exactly where she was.

Did she just up and leave?

I made my way down the corridor and reached her door in a record number of strides, I tried the handle to see if she’d locked it behind her.

She didn’t.

I pushed the door open quietly and entered without a sound, like a thief in the night. Her dress was draped over the chair as she was tangled up in the covers. One of her naked, toned legs was on full display as I stood at the foot of her bed. I had to admit she didn’t look as comfortable as she did beside me. As I pulled the covers back, I realised she was still naked, obviously too tired to rummage around in her drawer for something to sleep in. The smirk on my lips was apparent as I admired how fucking sexy she looked. Her cheeks were still flushed from how many times I made her cum this evening. I hurried in beside her, the bed dipped instantly as I did. I pulled her closer as she pressed that perfectly round ass into my cock that ached for her again. This woman was driving me downright insane. The urge I had to wake her up and fuck her until morning consumed me as she continued to squirm her ass into my throbbing cock. She switched positions and found the crook of my arm again; her leg claimed every part of me as it locked me beneath her.

I cupped her neck as she nuzzled her cheek into my chest. That same damn perfume fucked with my mind as it had done since day one with every movement she made. I pressed my lips on her forehead, a gesture I didn’t even know I was doing, a gesture so small to me but to her, it would have been enormous if she was awake. I wasn’t a romantic guy by any means, but this was as romantic as I’d ever managed to get. I drifted back off to sleep to the sound of her steady breathing and the feel of Ana wrapped in the warmth of my embrace. I couldn’t remember the last time I felt this calm during the night, this relaxed, or this at ease. She had been the reason for the sleepless nights recently, my brain consumed by her even when I didn’t want to allow it. But tonight, although she consumed my entire being I felt different, I felt she slowly let me in just as I did her.

* * *

“Lorenzo, what are you doing in here?” Ana’s voice was only a whisper as I peeled one eye open to see what she was doing; she’d pulled the covers up around her body as if to hide herself from me.

“Anastacia, it’s really fucking early. We’ll discuss this at a more reasonable hour.” I tried to slip back into the peaceful sleep I was having.

“I thought—”

I propped myself up on my elbow as my hair flopped down onto my forehead. Fuck, she looked beautiful, irresistibly fuckable.
