Page 8 of Love Me Always

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“If you want a tour of the garden, I suggest you get a move on. I don’t have all day, Ricci.”

“Anastacia, that wasn’t very friendly, was it?” Victor glanced at her in the most disapproving way, and she fought the urge to roll her eyes.

“Excuse me, Papa. How rude of me.” She faced me once more, with a sarcastic smile on face. “Lorenzo, please follow me to the garden.” She curtsied, taking the piss once again.

This infuriating woman was about to see the man behind the mask, the side of me she wasn’t expecting, a side she’d fear.

I’ve always thrived off fear, and it would be no different with her.

I watched Anastacia saunter towards the double doors that led to the garden, and my eyes fell directly to her perfectly round ass as she walked away. I might not have wanted to marry her but that didn’t mean I couldn’t look at what was rightfully mine.

“Carmella, let’s go and see how dinner’s getting on. We’re not needed here.” My mother and Florence giggled as they hurried into the kitchen, pulling Miles along with them.Poor guy.

“I suggest if you want to keep those eyes securely in your head, you’ll move them away from my daughter’s ass.” Victor snapped; it was hilarious to see it didn’t take much for me to get under his skin.

“Oh, come on, Victor. They’re young. We were like that once, don’t you remember?” My father smirked, which only wound the guy up even more.

“Of course, I remember. That’s why I’m warning your son to keep his eyes and hands to his fucking self.” The steam was coming out of his ears, did that mean I was going to stop? No, of course, not.

“Victor, I hate to break it to you, but she’s been mine theoretically since birth, am I correct?” His expression went from a frown to a sinister look within a split second. “You signed her life away, to me. Am I correct?”

“I’m warning you.” Victor fisted his hands by his side, and my father squeezed his shoulder to calm him down, not that it did much good, he also shot me a ‘stop it right now look’ but I couldn’t, it was too much fun.

“Warn me all you like; but if I want to stare at my fiancée’s ass, then I’ll stare at her fucking ass and there is fuck all you can do about.” I winked as I raised my tumbler before knocking back the rest of bourbon. Then I followed Anastacia, who was already in the garden.

“I’m going to fucking kill him, Franco.” I heard Victor spit through gritted teeth as I closed the door behind me.

I stepped into the cool night air, there was something about being out here that I found soothing, relaxing even. My eyes darted around between the trees in search forher.I wasn’t in the mood for a game of hide and seek and I was already losing my patience. I was about to call her name when I saw a flicker of blonde hair from the edge of the garden. The moonlight shone down on her, illuminating her flawless skin. She had both palms pressed flat against a small stone wall that separated her from her mother’s flowers. I know it was wrong to stare, but I didn’t see the problem. Even though I didn’t want her, it thrilled me to know that no man would ever touch her body. Fucking her would give her hope that I may one day fall in love with her. Even if she begged me to touch her, to fuck her even, I wouldn’t because she was just business, and I didn’t mix business with pleasure. I never had, and I wouldn’t start with her.

“That’s quite an attitude you’ve got, Ana,” I hissed, watching her body tense a little. It spurred me on to scare her, to piss her off even more than I already had.

“Only a select few call me Ana. You will never be one of them.” She kept her back to me, her voice laced with anger. I didn’t need her to turn around to know her face was the exact same as her voice.

I made my way over to her, the wind whipped softly through her hair, filling my nostrils with the smell of her sweet, floral perfume. I caged her against the wall, but she didn’t stiffen like I expected her to.

“I don’t care much for your sarcastic attitude, Ana.” I smirked as I spun her around.

She let out a little gasp, as she tried to disguise it, but the garden was too eerie, too quiet for me not to notice.

“I don’t care for you very much in general, but we can’t have it all, can we, Lorenzo?” She had fire; I’ll give her that.

“Oh, Ana, you obviously haven’t heard much about me.” Even though she was caged against the wall, I closed the remaining space between us. Her body dangerously close to mine.

“I’ve heard enough to know you’re an absolute fucking arsehole.” She seethed, using her hip to push my arms away from her.

She was fast; I’d give her that. But I was faster.

I grabbed her dainty wrist in my much larger hand as she tried to storm towards the house. It seemed like it was about to snap beneath my fingers.

“Oh, Anastacia, where do you think you’re going?”

“I’m going back inside; I just want to get this dinner over and done with.” She tried to pull her arm free, but that only caused me to tighten my grip.

“Your words and comments break my heart.” I joked, keeping a straight face.

“Impossible, since you clearly don’t have one!” She seethed, her face radiated with hatred, anger, and annoyance.

“Let me make one thing very, very clear. I will not stand for this attitude, nor will I accept it.” I fisted her hair at the nape of her neck, causing her held to tilt back, her narrow eyes meeting mine.
