Page 82 of Love Me Always

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“Was a what? A joke? Why don’t you keep those fucking jokes to yourself," I said as I pushed him and the chair backwards out of my personal space.

“Woah! What’s going in here?!” Red strolled into the kitchen. his hair was freshly washed and neatly twisted up in his red bun. He was dressed in his usual attire of black ripped jeans and a basic t-shirt, his battered leather jacket he wouldn’t trade for the world and a pair of boots that had probably walked over more blood and body parts than you could ever imagine.

"I'm just keeping my cousin in check." I smiled, but Red knew there was more to it.

"Just so you know, Nic, the last person to disrespect Ana sat in that very chair." Red smirked, and I knew what story he was about to share. “Lorenzo put a bullet right there.” He placed his index finger between his eyes and shot Nicolo a wink.

“That’s how you treat your men, cousin?” The shock was clear in his voice.

“When they disrespect what’s mine, yes.”

“I didn’t mean anything by it, honestly.” Nicolo rose quickly and extended his hand for me to shake. "Let's forget everything that happened and start over. I will not disrespect you or Anastacia."

I contemplated taking his offered hand; after all, he was my cousin, and we were more alike than I cared to acknowledge. We spent a lot of time together growing up, he had my back just as much as I had his, and I hated that it had changed over the years, but I thought we were both to blame. I just didn't want to admit it.

“One more word.”

“I won’t, I’ve learned my lesson already.”

"And it's not even eight o'clock yet," Red joked as he nudged my arm.

“When has that ever stopped us?” I chuckled as I tried to walk away from the guys.

"Not so fast, Boss, we have things to discuss." Red smirked as he kicked his feet up onto the kitchen table.

“We’ll discuss them once you get your feet off the table.” He knew I hated shit like this, yet he still did it.

“My bad.” He swiftly removed his feet and planted them securely on the floor as he slapped his thighs.

"Now, what did you want to talk about? I have somewhere to be." I cast a glance towards the door, as if I could hear the shower water running while Ana was all alone inside.

“The place you need to be is here, not between Anastacia’s legs.” He winked.

“I wasn’t even—”

“Yes, you were so don’t even finish that sentence,” he said as he kicked the chair out opposite him, inviting me to sit.

With Red and Nicolo's eyes on me, I knew they were up to something, and despite Gino’s and Emmet's absence, I knew they were already in on whatever Red had to say.

"Now, we know you're getting married pretty soon, and there hasn't been much conversation about your bachelor party, so wehave everything planned out." He rubbed his palms with excitement.

“Why can’t we talk about this at a more suitable hour?” I sighed, irritated at the prospect of a bachelor party.

“About that, why are you up already?” Red wrinkled his nose.

"I have a meeting with my father this morning, and you know how much of an early riser he is," I said as I glancedat my watch. I rarely showed my face till nine o'clock, and today might have been later after waking up beside Ana.

“Ah, yes, he is.” Red laughed. "Well, we have a little time before you have to leave to go over the plans."

"Let's get this over with," I grumbled as I prepared another cup of coffee; I'd need it if I had to listen to whatevershit they had planned and then whatever nonsense my father needed to talk about.

Red and Nicolo spoke nonstop about this bloody bachelor party for the next thirty minutes, Emmet and Gino joined in halfway through, and to be honest, I switched off until Red mentionedstrippers.

“No fucking way!” I snapped.

“Oh, come on! What is a bachelor without a couple of strippers?” Red pleaded.

"I'm sure it'll be a great one, and to be honest, I like my dick." I laughed as I imagined what Ana would do if she discovered where I went.
