Page 86 of Love Me Always

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“Evening, that was a quick visit,” he pointed out.

“Ana was tired, so we decided to head into town instead,” Tay interrupted as Robin instantly relaxed.

I shimmied down onto the floor between the front and backseats the moment I saw Tommy glancing around the car.

“Ah, yes, Lorenzo mentioned she was going to have an early night and she wasn’t to be disturbed unless it was for you two.” His deep Irish accent echoed through the small space as he leaned forwards to rest his hefty hand on the door. “Right, well, drive careful.” He tapped his hand on the exterior as he backed away to let Robin leave.

Once the car turned the corner, I sat up before I glanced over my shoulder to check we were in the clear.

“Remind me to never do that again! My heart can’t take it.” Robin laughed.

Tay was in charge of the music as we cruised down the highway to our desired location.

* * *

As I arrived at the club, I felt sick with nerves, but it was too late to turn back now. I met one of the bouncers at the back entrance while the girls went in the front to make sure everything was happening as it should be.

“Evening.” He tipped his head as I approached.

“Hello.” I smiled as he held the door open for me. Thankfully, I now wore a jacket that covered the skimpy outfit I was wearing.

“Right this way.” He led me through the dimly lit corridors as the music boomed over the sound system.

My phone buzzed in my hand with an incoming message from Tay.

Tay: Lorenzo is on his way xx

I noticed the pair out the corner of my eye. Lorenzo looked pissed at Red that he was bringing him to a private room. I dashed behind the corner as the bouncer chuckled.

“He has no idea, does he?” he asked.

“None whatsoever.” I blushed, but thankfully, that wasn’t easily seen beneath these lights.

Despite the music effecting my hearing, I could hear Lorenzo protesting as clear as day.

“What the fuck did I say Red?” I knew he’d be angry, but this was another level. “I told you I didn’t want to come here, and now you’re taking me to a fucking private room. This better not be what I think it is.” Red patted his back to calm him down.

“Just wait and see, stop being so fucking stubborn, live a little! Ana said she didn’t mind.” He smiled since he knew what was about to happen.

“Wipe that smile off your face, it’s pissing me off.” Red shoved Lorenzo through the door after ordering him to sit and wait for his surprise.

I couldn’t help but giggle as I stepped out from my hiding spot. Red’s eyes glistened with mischief.

“Right, I guess I’ll be leaving you now.” The bouncer smiled as he headed back to the main floor.

“Thank you!” I called but not too loudly as I didn’t want to be heard from where Lorenzo was waiting.

“I’m telling you; it was torture trying to get him here.” Red laughed. “I knew he was a stubborn fucker but tonight proved it and then some.” He huffed as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Let’s hope this calms him down,” I teased.

“Oh, I’m sure it will.” He winked. “Now, if you don’t you mind, I need to go and play matchmaker for Gino.”

“Oh, he’s got his eye on someone?” I pried whilst keeping my eye on the door I knew Lorenzo was behind.

“You could say that it’s Robin.” Red smiled.

Maybe Robin would get her happy ending after all. I knew the three guys all had their gentle side, but Gino was the gentlest and the one who I knew would treat Robin like the queen she is.
