Page 91 of Love Me Always

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“Isn’t it?” I felt as though letting her see who I was deep, deep down was a weakness, one I couldn’t afford to have.

“No, it isn’t a bad thing.” My mother turned my body towards her, so my eyes met her much warmer ones. “There will be times in your life you’ll need someone to confide in, someone by your side when times get hard, someone who can love you unconditionally.” She placed her cool hand against my cheek as her thumb brushed the scar that sat proudly on my cheekbone.

“How can you be so sure she’ll ever truly love me?”Why did it bother me if she loved me or not?

“Why do you doubt it?”

“Because after being with her and seeing how pure and angelic she is behind that wall she puts up, it makes me realise that she is too good for someone like me.” It was true. As Anastacia and I grew closer, I doubted myself.

“I wish you wouldn’t put yourself down, you really are an amazing man and whatever happened when the pair of you first met is in the past and it will stay there.” My mother always knew the right things to say.

Over the next few hours, she helped me prepare one of my favourite family recipes, one I hoped Ana would enjoy as much as I did. It was nice to spend some time with my mother. I was usually too busy to spend time with her, but today, I needed her, and she was there, no questions asked.

As I made sure I had the small details prepared and ready, she arranged the roses around the lobby, bathroom and dining room. She scattered the petals throughout the entrance, up the stairs and the path that led to the bath. This was the most romantic thing I had ever planned. With help of course.

“You’re all set, darling.” My mother smiled as she pulled on her trench coat. “She’ll love it, trust me.”

“I trust you.” I pulled her into my embrace, my chin resting on the top of her head. “Enjoy tomorrow with my girl, and I’ll see you on the wedding day.” I smiled as I called Anastaciamy girl.

Because she was and always would be.

* * *

“Lorenzo?” I heard that angelic voice from the entrance. Her footsteps came to a halt the moment she laid eyes on the sight before her. “Lorenzo?” she called my name once more as I appeared in the kitchen doorway. Her eyes darted from the petals to me. “What is all this?”

“Welcome to your bachelorette party,amore.” I smiled as I walked over to her. “I know you didn’t want one, but I thought that was quite unfair, so I planned an evening just for you.” I took her hand in mine and I could see the emotion in her eyes.

“You didn’t need to do this, you know.” I knew Victor gave her the world, but that wasn’t his place anymore, it was mine.

“I know I didn’t, but I wanted to.” I kissed her tenderly as I could feel her melting beneath my fingertips as I cupped her neck. “Come with me.”

I led her up the decorated stairs as her hand never left mine. She was in awe, looking around at the array of bouquets and candles as the soft music played quietly in the background. “Lorenzo, this is…” She paused as if she no longer knew what to say. “Beautiful.” I glanced over my shoulder at her as her hand tightened around mine.

“This is just the beginning,amore.” I scooped her up into my arms, and she threw her arms around my neck.

I carried her into the bathroom, and she gasped the moment I opened the door. The floor was covered in white petals, candles illuminated the room, and her bath was drawn with her favourite oils. I placed her down gently before I dropped to my knees before her.


I slipped her feet from her sneakers and socks before I unbuttoned her jeans. I lowered them down her legs as she clutched my shoulders to steady herself. I slid her lace lingerie down with ease as she stepped out of them. She had started to remove her tank before I’d even risen off the floor. Tonight, I would worship her in ways she deserved.

“Not so fast, love, it’s my turn to look after you tonight.” Her arms instantly went above her head as I pulled the tank over her head, her hair fell in waves behind her as she shook her head.

“I don’t understand why you’re doing this for me.”

“Because although we’ve grown closer than we ever thought possible, I’ve never fully treated you as you deserve, and you deserve the whole damn world.” I unclasped her bra and discarded it on the floor.

“Lorenzo, I—” Her words caught in her throat as she tried to speak. I saw the glassiness of her eyes and she fought back the tears of what I hoped was happiness.

“We’ll talk more over dinner, but first, enjoy your bath and champagne.” I kissed her forehead as she fisted my freshly steamed shirt. “Meet me downstairs in the dining room when you’re ready. There is a new dress in my closet for you.” I ran my thumb over her bottom lip as they parted slightly.

“Will you join me?” she whispered as I held her in my embrace a moment longer.

“Next time. I have dinner to finish up before you join me.” I smiled and hurried down the stairs before she had a chance to say anything else.

* * *

Dinner was ready, the wine was chilled, and all that remained was for Anastacia to arrive. I waited impatiently in the dining room, overlooking the lake. It lookedmagnificent; the guys outdid themselves with that one. I stood with my back to the door, hands in my pockets, mentally counting down the minutes.
