Page 95 of Love Me Always

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“I love you.” I smiled as I heard my father’s breath hitch.

“I love you too.” Once those words left his lips, I heard the familiar sound of the revving engine as he sped off down the driveway.

“Love?” My father quickly broke the silence as I watched Lorenzo turn off onto the quiet road.

“It just happened, there is nothing to discuss.” I shrugged my shoulders as I turned towards the house.

“Nothing to discuss? Really?” I didn’t know why he was making such a big deal out of this.

“Papa, I know you were all in on the surprise he planned last night, so why are you surprised?” I ascended the steps to the front door where my mother appeared.

“Florence, did you hear this?!” my father called after me.

“Hear what, darling?” My mother smiled as she looked between the pair of us.

“Our daughter has declared her love to Lorenzo, and he’s only gone and declared it back!” I couldn’t work out what was going on with him right now.

“Is that a bad thing? This is what we’ve wanted, Victor, we wanted them to fall in love.” She looked at me with that flawless smile, the one my father adored and made well known any chance he got.

“No, I never said it was a bad thing! I just cannot believe our daughter; the same one who said she would never fall in love with him of all people has only gone and done it!” I didn’t even need to turn around, I already knew his smile could have been seen from space.

“Leave her alone, Victor.” My mother rolled her eyes as she opened up her arms. “Hello, baby,” she whispered softly into my ear. “Big day tomorrow.” I nodded against her shoulder as I inhaled her floral perfume.

My father wrapped me and my mother in his arms as he joined us at the front door and the moment would have been perfect if it wasn’t for the surprising appearance of my brother who jumped onto the cute moment, and yes, I meant jumped onto us rather than joining us.

“Miles!” my father snapped as he swatted my brother round the back of his head.

“Sorry, I wanted to join in, and it was just too good of an opportunity to pass up.” Having my brother here was the missing piece of the puzzle. I missed them since moving out, but it made coming home to spend time with them all the sweeter.

“Did I hear right?” Miles said.

“That depends on what you think you heard,” I teased as we headed in the front door.

“That you’re in love?” He made kissing faces that only spurred me on to want to punch him in the mouth.

“I’d shut that gob of yours if you value the tongue inside of it.” I swatted his arm as Chad came into view at the top of the stairs.

“Welcome home, Anastacia.” His tone was off, and his demeanor spoke a thousand words.

“Thanks.” I directed my gaze at anyone else but him, and luckily, nobody seemed to notice the frosty welcoming except one person… Miles.

“Chad, do you fancy sparring a little?” Miles asked as I silently thanked him.

Chad had always been such a happy guy; he had always been one of my best friends but since Lorenzo came around, everything was different.

“Sounds good, meet me there,” Chad curtly replied as he headed towards his bedroom.

“Why don’t you join them?” my father asked, still beaming from the revelation.

“I don’t think that’s wise, do you, Victor?” My mother arched her brow as she waited for it to register.

“You’re right. We don’t want any injuries especially not with the wedding tomorrow.”

“Why don’t you all go and do whatever it is you need to do and let me spend some time with my daughter.” My mother shooed them out of the kitchen.

The rest of the afternoon was spent watching movies in the front room with endless amounts of popcorn and treats, something my mother and I did often.

“So, love?” The moment the movie finished, my mother shifted in her seat to face me.
