Page 98 of Love Me Always

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“Thanks.” Years of friendship seemed a far cry from what we were now, he was like someone else completely.

“Ana, save me a dance tomorrow.”

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea.” It wouldn’t be a good idea. He and Lorenzo didn’t exactly fall under the best friend category and hell would have to freeze over before Lorenzo let Chad spin me around a dancefloor.

I ascended the stairs to my old room and flopped down on the fresh sheets my mother had put on this morning. There was a basket on the side with all kinds of gifts that ranged from my favourite perfume to chocolates with a card that read, For the bride to be. Love Robin & Tay.

I pulled out my phone and dialed the one person whose voice I needed to hear before I drifted peacefully to sleep.

“Amore,” he sleepily answered on the first ring.

“Sorry, did I wake you?” I wandered over to bed before I climbed beneath the sheets.

“No, I was awake.” That was a lie, there was only one reason his voice was as raspy as it was and that was because he had been asleep.

“Do you really want to go into our marriage on a lie,” I teased as he chuckled gruffly.

“I left everyone downstairs and came to bed. The scent of your perfume made me dose off.” My heart nearly jumped out my chest as he spoke those words. “I’ll let you in on a secret… if you want to know.”

“Enlighten me. What do you have to share.” I faced towards the window as the moon shone through the gap in the curtains.

“I’m using your pillow.” I could hear his boyish smile over the speaker.

“Why would you be doing that? Don’t you know I get territorial over what’s mine,” I joked.

“Because it’s fucking weird without you here, and this is the closest I could get.”

“Well, aren’t you just the sweetest, cutest…”

“Don’t you dare finish that sentence, Mrs. Ricci.”

“That’s a little early, don’t you think?” Hearing him use his surname for me was hot but I wouldn’t let him know that.

“This time tomorrow you’ll be my wife, so I thought I’d see how it sounded.”

“And how do you think it sounds?”

“Fucking perfect.” He smiled once more, and I swooned, my heart soared. “Ana, can I ask you something?”

“Of course, what is it?”

“Are you happy?” he questioned, his voice sincere.

“With you or in general?”

“With everything but mainly with me.” He let out a deep sigh, and I knew he was pinching the bridge of his nose; it was something he always did when he was stressed, angry or questioning things, and I knew it was the latter.

“You don’t need to ask me that, I wouldn’t have told you how I felt last night if I wasn’t.” I heard his sigh of relief. “What about you, are you happy?”

“More than I thought possible. I would wait all night at that aisle for you just to show you how much I want to marry you.”

“You’d freeze your balls off.” I giggled as I awaited his somewhat sexual remark.

“I’m sure you’d warm them up.”And there it was.

“Have sweet dreams, husband.”

“That’s too early, isn’t it?”
