Page 70 of My Fight

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Turning to receive the award, I couldn't see their faces at first, but when I did, both faces were laced with fear. At that exact moment, my stomach flipped. I turned and locked gazes with Chrissy, who had the same look as Finn and Mackenna, the same one I now had.

Something wasn't right with Conor. Something was seriously wrong, and we could all feel it.



Epilogue . . .

Laying in my bed with the lights off, the only moonlight that shone through the windows provided me a view of the suit that was hanging on my closet door. The suit, I'd be wearing to the MMA Awards. The same awards I'd be escorting the most beautiful woman I had ever known.

Kenna had no idea that she was mine—might never know. She didn't deserve a man like me. The rage I held onto and the pain I still inflicted on people. She deserved a man who would treat her like a rare diamond, a diamond that shined as bright as she did.

My mind wandered to the other girl in my life, my sister. Micky had been through hell and back, and my dad would be turning in his grave if he knew I wasn't there to protect her. My whole life, my father instilled in me to protect my sister. I may have failed her—not once, not twice, but numerous times. Not anymore. I would make sure Brad never came into my sister's life again.

I rolled off my bed and to my feet, walking over to the computer that sat on a desk in the corner of my room.

Turning on the computer, I took a seat on the chair that I used in high school for homework—when I actually did it. Bringing up the search bar, I looked up flights. The next thing I knew, a ticket had been purchased, and I was throwing a few clothes into a duffel bag.

It was only a few hours later when I walked off the flight with my duffle bag in hand, making my way out of the airport and to a taxi.

I knew where I was going, so I told the driver. As I walked into the dingy bar, I made my way to the bar and ordered a whiskey. At this point, I didn't care about the brand.

"Whiskey neat," I said.

I watched the pretty lady pour my whiskey and place it in front of me.

"I'm looking for Jeff. Is he here?" I asked.

"Jeff, someone is here for you," she yelled to the end of the bar.

I looked down as he turned to see me. He made his way over to me, wiping his hands on a dirty towel. "You're Kenna's brother," he stated, not asking a question.

"I am," I replied simply.

"What are you doing here?" Jeff asked me.

"How do I find the asshole who hurt my sister?" I asked. "Brad? He hasn't been in here in months."

"Do you know how I can find him?" I asked, bringing the glass of whiskey to my mouth and raising a brow.

"Does Kenna know you are here?" Jeff asked.

"No," I simply stated, taking another sip of the whiskey, and letting the liquor burn down my throat.

I placed both hands on the bar and leaned forward.

"That fucker hurt my sister, and now I will hurt him. How do I find him?"

"Fuck," Jeff stated, "I'm only telling you because that bastard deserves to hurt for all he put Kenna through. He works for his father's real estate firm. It's called Brown, Savage, and Killian's Real Estate Corporation located on Newbury Street."

I dropped a few bills onto the bar and rose from the stool I was sitting on. I swallowed the last of my whiskey in one sip and stated, "Thanks." No other words were exchanged.

Once outside, I grabbed another taxi and simply stated the name of the firm. It was late, but that didn't matter. I would wait for however long it took.

Exiting the cab, I looked up at the sign on the door and noticed the lights on. I waited like the predator I was. I had no idea how long I waited, but at some point, the lights turned off, and I saw a man exit and lock the door.

When he turned to walk to his car, I saw him. I saw his face. That cocky son of a bitch who nearly killed my sister. The rage boiled up inside me, and I swore Satan himself came out.
