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“Ouch!” He growled after she tossed it at his head.

"Stay back!” she warned.

The female was nuts! But that did not matter. He still wanted her. Dodging the hefty science book she hurled next, Jasper grunted. Most of his defenses were still down from the shock of her attack, making him quite the easy target, and yet all he could think about was that one crazy word.

“Mine,” he growled.


Warm rivulets of water cascaded over Caro’s exhausted skin, heating her body after her hasty trip to her best friend’s cabin in upstate New York. She still could not believe what was happening.

The past twenty-four hours had been filled with more anxiety than Carolina Moore had ever experienced. Imagine running from a Demon!

She could hardly grasp the situation, much less explain it. Thank God, she had friends like Jennifer Dylluan. The woman was her oldest friend. Even when they went months without talking, she knew she could rely on Jenn.

They never missed a beat, always picking up where they’d left off. Of course, this time, Caro didn’t bury the lead like she had when she and Joffrey decided to call it quits.


“What happened?” her friend asked.

Jennifer was not psychic or one of those people who waited for bad news. She was something else, though. Something very special. Jennifer was a supernatural creature known as a Shifter.

It seemed there was an entire world that existed beside the human one where beings such as Shifters, Werewolves, Vampires, and more existed. And that was why she knew she needed to call her friend the second she discovered an Ancient Egyptian Demon was after her.

Like always, the Owl Shifter instinctively knew Carolina needed help. Without hesitation, Carolina told Jennifer everything that had happened, including her changed travel plans. She needed to know she was not crazy.

“Good,” Jennifer had replied. “Don’t fly to Newark, get yourself to JFK. Then take a cab to my cabin, here is the address. Don’t use that phone again. Buy a disposable, and stay off social media,” she’d instructed.

After that, it was easy. All Caro had to do was sit on a plane, get in a cab, and flee for her life. Jennifer’s large mountain cabin was the ideal place for her to hide out.

It was Christmas weekend. She could read a book, watch an old DVD, and maybe even work on some sketches, when she wasn’t watching out for giant dildo-men.

Caro was totally prepared to rough it for however long it took a Demon to forget about her. Of course, the stubborn Owl would not let it go. Jennifer had decided she needed a babysitter.


Then this had happened! One minute, she’d been relaxing under Jennifer’s impressive three-headed shower. She’d used her cookie scented sugar scrub all over, had shaved her legs and pits, and then, because no one was there besides her, Caro had applied lotion all over her body, and was waiting for it to air dry.

After two months in Egypt, who could blame her for wanting to pamper herself a little? Caro had thought she was alone on the mountain. It was the perfect opportunity for her fluffy self to let everything hang loose, since she had nothing to do but wait, anyway.

Of course, that was when things got interesting. Caro was now half nude and standing over a strange mountain of a man, who was admittedly gorgeous, even with spit running down his chin. Towel over her boobs, bikini briefs barely covering her bottom, and the stun gun she’d used to attack him still in her hand, she worried her lower lip.

"Shit. Did Jennifer send you?” she asked, and the man nodded briefly.

Carolina had only decided to bathe and listen to a little music, trusting her bodyguard wouldn’t show for at least another hour. But out of nowhere, this behemoth of a man showed up standing there like a Peeping Tom, and the rest, of course, was history.

She’d reacted rather predictably. Well, for a woman in her position, anyway.

“You shot me,” the enormous, and yes, hot as hell, man said for the second time since she’d gotten her clothes back on and introduced herself properly.

After a little more screaming, and a phone call to Jennifer, Caro was a little embarrassed about the whole thing. Mostly because her chubby little body had been on display for who knows how long while he’d stood there.

“So? You broke in and stood there staring at me! What are you, some kind of pervert?”

“First of all, you left the back door unlocked. Then, you had headphones on, and couldn’t hear me. Not smart for a woman in hiding. And last, you were already naked. I had nothing to do with it,” he said, and was it her or did he sound miffed about that?

Hmm. Interesting.
