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Sure, she knew his name, had gotten it from his credentials after she’d tazered the poor guy—and it was again confirmed by Jennifer via phone call—but Jasper Wessex was unlike any man she’d ever met.

Animal magnetism was like his own personal brand of cologne. She was drawn to him. Her ovaries were practically exploding. Her panties were soaked. What more proof did she need that she wanted him?

Dang it.

What was she going to do? It would be way too embarrassing for a thirty-seven year old divorcee to jump her smoking hot bodyguard, wouldn’t it?

“What are you thinking about over there, beautiful?” Jasper seemed to purr the words, and she felt her nipples tighten in response.

Carolina sipped her tea, willing her hormones to slow the heck down. She hadn’t even told him about her problem yet. It was only fair she warned the guy, Shifter or not.

“So, if you read the file on me, you’ll know I was in Egypt up until yesterday,” she began, waiting for his signal to continue. “While I was there, well,er, I kinda, sorta, maybe let an Ancient Egyptian Demon—whose hieroglyph resembles a giant dildo by the way—free from an old tablet where he’d been imprisoned.”

“Oookayyy. Uh, is that it?” he asked, tapping his fingertips on the table.

“Nope. Did I mention he also wants me for his princess bride?”

“What?” Jasper asked, and that time, she knew he growled.

“Yeah, so, that’s me,” she finished.

Carolina didn’t know what she expected from him.

Some laughter, maybe?

A joke.

A snarky reply.

A suggested trip to the ER to have her head examined.

But the one thing she was not expecting was for him to jump, lightning quick, out of his chair and over to her side of the table.


He’d gone from one place to the other in the blink of an eye. Caro hardly had time to react when Jasper pulled her into his embrace. He was repeating something. One-syllable fell from his lips, and it had her hotter than the steaming pot of tea.

She swallowed nervously.


Jasper’s large hands squeezed her upper arms as he tugged her into the cradle of his enormous body. Liquid heat pooled between her thighs, and her nipples hardened painfully beneath her robe.

Caro had no time to think or react before he claimed her lips in a kiss so rough and hot, so completely sexy that Carolina dropped the thankfully empty mug she’d been holding.

She needed her hands just then. Had to use them to grab onto his incredibly wide shoulders just to steady herself.

Hubba hubba.


Jasper’s Wyvern roared in triumph as he claimed Carolina Moore’s cinnamon tea and lemon vanilla kiss for his own.

She was delicious. Even better than he’d hoped.


Her sweet lips parted, and he delved into her mouth, running on instinct rather than skill to show her the depths of his lust. Her small hands clutched at him and for the first time in his life he wanted to beat his own chest, proud of his strength. Jasper loved the way she moaned, her response turning him on all the more.
