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“Let me open it, please,” he added, and placed the box on the coffee table.

Still gorgeously disheveled from their passionate interlude, Jasper’s Wyvern rumbled softly in his chest as Carolina leaned forward to study the gilded present.

Dark brows furrowed, she was breathtaking in her study of the thing. She reached out a hand to touch the box, and he tried to stop her before she could make contact.

“Wait,” he said, but she was already handling the object. “I said to wait in case it was rigged,” he explained and expelled the breath he’d sucked in when she’d touched it.

Thank goodness it did not hurt her.

“Oh,” she blushed prettily. “And here I thought it was because you were jealous, I was getting gifts from another man,er, Demon.”

“Did you now?” Jasper grinned at the way she shrugged, tucking her hair behind her ears.

“Are you flirting with me now, beautiful?”

“Well, after what we just did, maybe I am a little late with the flirting,” she added as she studied the box. “I can read some of the hieroglyphs, but the rest don’t seem Egyptian.”

“Here, let me take a picture and send it to someone who can help us out. You said the guy you awakened is a kind of Egyptian Demon?”

“Yes. His name is Medjed. This symbol here is his hieroglyph,” she pointed to one, and Jasper cocked his head to the side.

“Hah. It does look like a dildo, but with feet and eyes. I wonder if it’s justified,” he laughed, thinking the description she had given him was apt.

Only, Carolina’s face burned bright red and, for the first time in a long while, Jas felt a certain green-eyed monster on his shoulders.


She cleared her throat and seemed to look anywhere but at him. Jasper was a patient man, sometimes anyway, so he crossed his arms and waited for her eyes to find him once more.

“Okay, look, I don’t owe you any explanations, buddy. One romp in a kitchen doesn’t make us married. Anyway, I never touched the guy, but he was a little naked when I kind of set him free, and I suppose you could say there is a reason he’s depicted as a, well, a huge cock with eyes and feet.”

Jasper’s growl filled the room. Okay, maybe he wasn’t as mature as he’d like to think. So his mate had seen this guy’s dick.

Big fucking deal.

Only, it seemed to be a really big fucking deal.


“Hey,” she snapped her fingers in his face. “I was married for three years to a man who thought I was too fat to have sex with. He never said it, but he never touched me, and his idea of a Christmas present was an elliptical machine. I am single now, and I am not going to be sorry for finally enjoying my sexuality.”

“What does that have to do with anything? Did you fuck this, Demon?”

“Really? Oh, that is classy!”

“Carolina, I want to know—”

“Look, you big Shifter jerk, in the last forty-eight hours I’ve travelled halfway around the world after letting an ancient Demon free from a tablet and having the wacko claim he wants me as his bride! Next, you’re here, and at first, I’m like,omg, he’s a fucking pervert peeping on me in my bedroom, then I’ve got you being all sexy, calling memine, and shit, with your head between my legs, and your tongue up my hooha. Now, I am not saying I was pressured or tricked, far from it, I wanted that just as much as you, and hell, maybe I needed it more than you did too, but—and that’s a really big BUT, fella, I am still my own woman,” she snapped, looking fierce and gorgeous as fuck.

“I don’t have to answer to you or any man.”


“Be quiet. It is not your turn to talk,” she snarled, better than any Shifter he had ever seen. Scarier too. “I’ll tell you something about me,Mr. Body Beautiful. I don’t lie. I don’t cheat. And I don’t jump from one man’s bed to the next no matter how big his cock is!”

“Shit,” he ran a hand over his face. He needed to calm down. “I’m sorry, Carolina.” Jasper watched her rapid breathing return to what he thought was normal before she huffed out a breath and turned away from him.

Fuck, that hurt.
