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“Because when a gift is accepted, it’s symbolic. It means the woman has agreed to the proposal.”

“Like fucking hell,” growled Jasper.

“Easy there, I suggest you tell her how you feel first, then explain the significance of the box. And if you need backup, just call,” Manuel clicked off, and Jasper dropped the phone on the couch in frustration.

He followed the sound of running water to the back guest bathroom, where Carolina was currently taking a shower. He made sure her windows were locked and the alarm system was on before continuing around the house.

He wanted her to be as secure as possible when he wasn’t in the same room with her, and judging from how she’d left earlier, he doubted that would be anytime soon. He grabbed his gear and set up his laptop in the living room to better monitor the surveillance cameras.

Jasper knew one thing for sure as he listened for the sounds of his sweet mate getting ready for bed. He would not be getting a wink of sleep that night.




I’m Slutty McSlutface!

Carolina wiped the fog from the mirror and took a good look at herself. What she saw did not impress her in the least.


Thirty-seven years old, and single. Had she really thrown that in his face like it was a good thing?

Not like Carolina had them lining up for her, or anything. Not even when she’d been younger. Yeah, she was cute. She had good skin and nice hair, of course, there was the whole extra weight she carried.

But so what? Plenty of men found plump girls desirable. At least she wasn’t saggy. Not yet anyway.

More importantly, she was self-sufficient. Didn’t even go after Joffrey for alimony. Heck, some might even say the artist was independently wealthy.

She’d never been what you would call rash or impulsive with men, and yet within an hour of meeting her new bodyguard, she’d been butt-ass-naked and splayed on a table while he licked and sucked on her most intimate body parts.


Not good. This was so not good. Especially not since just thinking about it was making her hot all over again.

What the actual hell was going on here?

Things like that just didn’t happen to girls like her. And definitely not with dudes who looked like him. Jasper Wessex was like a whole other level of hotness.

Was she under some kind of Shifter spell? She didn’t even know what kind of creature he was, or what animal he shifted into.

She only knew he was one of them. Being one of the few normals in the world with privileged knowledge about the paranormal world and its existence, Carolina had always thought she was really open minded and accepting.

Hell, most humans could not even fathom the possibility. Anything supernatural was considered occultist and abnormal. But some people knew and like with anything they were for or against them.

Of course, most who opposed them and called for humans to band together to destroy the paranormals came off as nutters, which was good for Shifters and the like, she supposed.

Hate and intolerance were not things she understood or even tried to. Variety was the spice of life, at least in her artist’s mind. It kept things interesting. An eternal student, she loved to learn about different cultures and traditions. She used them in her art.

It was the same for Shifters far as she was concerned. Yes, they differed from humans, but so what? That was awesome, in her opinion. She was only too glad to help keep their secret safe from the not so understanding human world.

Of course, Caro had been quite young when she discovered the truth about the supernatural world. Her best friend Jennifer had sort of let it slip that she was an Owl Shifter when they were in grade school.

Ever since then, she recognized the signs and had identified dozens of friends and colleagues over the year as Shifters, too. But she never brought it up unless they did. Caro was not prejudiced or rude, and she tried not to be invasive.
