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“You think I’m hot?”

“Yes, okay, you’re hot.” She rolled her eyes. “But even better than that, you cook. Tell me you clean and do laundry, and I might orgasm on the spot.”

Fucking hell.

He dropped his mug on the table, tipping it and spilling hot coffee all over himself.

“Are you okay?” she asked, dabbing him on the crotch with her napkin.

“Fucking hell, woman, you keep touching me and I’m gonna have you bent over this table in about five seconds,” he ground out.

“What? Oh,” she said, swallowing hard, and dropping the napkin.

Sad growl.

Jasper got up with a shake of his head and cleaned the mess in two shakes of his Wyvern’s tail. Caro’s eyes were downcast as she continued to eat in silence, and he felt bad for snapping at her.

But come on, now. He was only human.Sorta.

Really, how the fuck was he supposed to get through the day with her saying shit like that? He watched covertly as she picked up a ripe strawberry, sucking the red fruit between her lips before biting down. Christ, the woman was trying to kill him.

“Uh, you got a little something,” he muttered, leaning forward to wipe a seed from the corner of her mouth.

Her cheeks turned pink as she grabbed her napkin and wiped her face again. Pretty woman. Soft and curvy, just the way he liked. Her sleep shirt was a thin cotton material, and it left absolutely nothing to the imagination.

In the winter sunlight shining from the window, the material was practically sheer, leaving her beautiful breasts on display for him, the tips pebbled and puckered.

Jasper wanted them in his hands, in his mouth. He wanted to feel their weight and taste the berry tipped beauties once more.

“I, uh, spoke to Jennifer last night.” Her voice was breathy, and he could smell her arousal teasing his senses into a frenzy.

“About what?”


“What things?”

“You,” she admitted. “She wouldn’t tell me what kind of Shifter you are.”

“You curious about me, baby?” he asked, the term of endearment slipping into his sentences as it had been doing all morning. Lucky for him, she did not seem to mind.

“Yeah,” she replied.

“You want to see?” he asked, ridiculously pleased that she wanted to know more about him.

“Yes, if I may.”

Carolina bit her lip, and that was all he could take. Jasper leaned forward and kissed her mouth sweetly. No tongue, nothing that would make him lose control. Just a soft brushing of lips—a tiny little claiming—to appease both Wyvern and man.

“Eat first, then get dressed. I’ll clean up breakfast and then. We’ll go outside, and I’ll show you my beast.”


Caro blinked up at him, her cheeks blushing prettily. She was so petite compared to his massive height, so deliciously tempting. He would have to remember to be gentle with her. Despite her fiery attitude, she was still human. Still fragile.

Still mine.

It didn’t matter to him if she were human, alien, or whatever. He was already in love with her. Jasper’s heart swelled with the realization. He accepted it as truth, watching her while she chewed and swallowed. The fact he’d provided nourishment made him positively silly with pride, satisfying some primordial urge to care for and protect his mate.
