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“Where are you going?” she asked, laughing brightly.

“I am being sent on assignment, it would seem. The wise Owl will be my handler as well.”

“Thank you, Medjed, for everything. Oh, and watch out for Jenn, she has a wicked left-hook,” Jasper told him.

“Thank you,” echoed the other three Wyverns, as they shook hands with the Demon before he took his leave.

Carolina snuggled into Jasper’s side. Together, they watched Medjed exit the Wessex home, then they all walked to Arthur, who was huffing deep gulps of air in and out of his lungs. He appeared to be okay, and his color was returning.

“How do you feel, Dad?”

“Still catching my breath, but I feel good, son. Better now that I am going to be a grandfather. Come, let’s have Christmas breakfast together,” he said.

The older man laughed happily, and patted Jasper on the arm before turning to his other sons, who were filled with questions.

“Can I get you anything, Father?” asked Dor.

“Should I call the doctor?” interrupted Conny.

They walked off towards the dining room and Carolina’s hand went to her belly. Could it be? She looked up at her new mate and saw love shining in his eyes.

. He’d stayed by her side instead of rushing to be with his father, and he was smiling widely.

“Whatever the future brings, Caro, I love you. I vow to protect you, to cherish you, to love and honor you,” he promised and covered her hand with one of his. “And that goes for whatever children we are blessed with, for all my days.”

“I know you will, Jasper. I trust in you, my love, always,” she said and leaned into his embrace, kissing him full on the mouth, ignoring the wolf whistles and catcalls of his brothers.

She did, however, appreciate the resounding smack of the General’s hand across one of their heads. Oh, yes, she was going to love her new father-in-law.

But that didn’t matter a whole lot right then. The dawning realization that her love and trust was well-placed filled her with a satisfying warmth. She’d meant every single word.

The universe had given her a protector—gift wrappedand just for her—and she promised to love him with all of her, heart, mind, body, and soul for as long as she drew breath.

Carolina had finally found the love she’d always wanted and had searched her whole life for.

“I’ll protect you too, Jasper, and our children,” she vowed.


The end.

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