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Was there no end to his feeding? That’s what it reminded her of. Feeding time at the zoo.

OMG. That was rude,she scolded herself. But it wasn’t like she said it out loud.

All she wanted to do was go home. At least she was comfortable.She’dworn her softest pair of black leggings for this disaster date, paired with one of her favorite tunics on top.

It was dark green with tiny black buttons down the front and showed just the right amount of cleavage. She’d gone for neat and tidy as opposed to downright sexy.

Good call, in her opinion. Elissa looked perfectly fine for a nicegetting to know youdinner, which is what she thought she was getting when her roommate asked her to step in for her on a blind date that one of her best client’s had set up for her.

Elissa shuddered now, thinking how good old Gianni here would’ve reacted to the red dress and heels she’d contemplated before checking the weather report.


The lewd man was already salivating, and she was so not having it. Fending off his unwanted advances was not how she wanted to finish the night.

Ew again.

Elissa shivered, slightly chilled despite the fact they were indoors. It was a cold, gloomy evening, and the forecast called for even more rain later that night. Not at all unusual for this time of year in the Garden State.

November was always chilly in the evenings, rainy too. Elissa tended to run warm, but she was glad she’d brought a jacket with her. Especially since her date refused to turn the heat on in the car.

When she’d asked, he’d looked offended and told her it wasted gas.

Um. Okay.

She checked her phone. It was only seven o’clock, but the two hour drive was still ahead of them. Maybe they could make it home before ten if they left soon.

Ugh. Did he just blow his nose?

“Allergies, doll. Say, you gonna eat that?” he asked before scooping a fry from her dish and swallowing it down.

Elissa was gonna kill her roomie. Gretchen was a hair and nail stylist. A lot of her clients were elderly, and they just loved her. They were always offering to set her up on blind dates with their nephews and grandsons.

Mostly, the sweet old ladies were kind. They swore they could find her curvy roommate the right man, assuming she was single because she was new to town. Well, when Elissa got home tonight, she was going to tell Gretchen she needed to fire the old lady who set this date up from being her client.


No one who liked Gretchen would’ve sent her out with this guy. Gianni reached over and touched her hand and Elissa pulled back, reaching for the napkin.


"I sure hope you ain’t a cold one, doll,” he said, shaking his head.


“Ain’t gonna matter. I know just what you need, doll.”

She was still wiping the greasy residue he’d transferred to her skin from the food he ate sans utensils. This was too much. Elissa was beyond uncomfortable with all the leering and bad attempts at innuendo.

Plus, she was starving. One look at the dump he’d taken her to, and she knew she could never eat there. The chef in her wouldn’t allow it.

To think they drove two hours for this! She’d practically frozen to death in his maroon Cadillac, listening to a CD of the Rat Pack, while Gianni crooned loudly, and off key, to the music.

Normally, she was a fan of the famous group of legendary singers. Having grown up in Hoboken, she couldn’t not be a Sinatra fan. Though, to be honest, Dean Martin had always been her favorite.

Still, Elissa was a firm believer that there were just some people you did not try to imitate. Especially not if you were Little Gianni. While he was belting his heart out, he’d been trying to get his right hand on her thigh. She’d asked him politely to stop.

