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How long would it take an Ancient Demon to get his strength back, anyway? She had no idea. All Caro knew was she needed to get the fuck out of Egypt—but not before making one last call.

“Jennifer? This is Carolina. I need your help!”


Arthur Wessex, former four-star general of the United States Army, and adoptive father of four Wyvern Shifters, frowned as he looked at his watch. The boys were late, and he had things to discuss.

“Hello, General Wessex.” Jennifer Dylluan, his trusted friend, and the boys’ handler, smiled gently as she entered the room.

Her hair was in a professional bun, glasses perched on the end of her nose, and her slate grey suit hugged her curves. She was a pretty woman. Downplay it as she might try, it was still obvious to anyone with eyes.

“Ms. Dylluan,” he returned and nodded once.

"You know, I insist you call me Jennifer,” she replied, her grin widening.

“Well, then, Jennifer, shall we?”

He was a man of few words, for he always believed actions spoke loudest of all. He held out Jennifer’s chair and sat down at the long table in the formal dining room.

A military man seldom made the kind of money Arthur Wessex had in the bank, but he had his late wife to thank for that. Money did not matter, he’d found out once the diagnosis had been made.

You really can’t take it with you, he mused with a snort of self-derision.

He was not ready to leave yet. Though he missed his wife, his sons were still finding their feet,er, wings. He had to stay strong as long as he could.

“Where are the guys?” Jennifer asked.

“They will be here,” he said. “But I am glad we will have the chance to talk first. You’re a Shifter Jennifer, you know the drill.”

“Is there something specific you wish to discuss, Arthur?” she asked with that quietly authoritative air that was so like her.

No wonder his youngest could not help but admire the woman. Though God knew, Conny had some growing up to do if he wanted to impress her. But back to the task at hand.

“As their Wyverns continue to grow in strength and dominance, my boys show signs of restlessness. I believe they need to find their mates, Jennifer. I won’t be here forever, and they will need a source of love, support, and a reason for staying the course.”

“I see,” she said, and he noted the small change in her posture with some interest.

“They are anxious, Jennifer. Finding mates will give them better control of their powers and their beasts.”

“That has been theorized,” she agreed.

“Hmph,” he grunted. “I know your kind are secretive, but I raised them, Jennifer. I have none of the prejudices that other humans in the know have against Shifters.”

“I know,” she replied, and smiled sadly. “I just wonder if it is as dire as you seem to think?”

“Did you know Jasper’s fire can be channeled into a single, slender beam stronger than any laser the government has produced, and with more accuracy than any sharpshooter I have ever heard of?” he began, expecting her argument, and having prepared for it.

“Did you know Heliodore can channel frost, as well as fire, freezing his enemies with a mere snort? Larimar has communicated with wild animals, and maybe even the dead—and I have seen Zircon call lightning to his aid. I tell you these four are more powerful than I’d ever hoped they would be when I worked for the DPCA.”

“Yes. Little is known about Wyverns as a species; and before we found their eggs, they were thought extinct, General,” Jennifer replied. “But they are working for the right people. I have no fears they will go rogue—”

“No, no, they are loyal, I would never question that. As a general, it would be enough, but as their father, well, I want them to be happy too.”

She smiled at him then. A real, genuine smile stretching her lips from ear to ear. He knew he would have to tell her then. A truth he’d wanted to avoid, but he knew he could not any longer.

“I want you to promise me something,” he began.

“If I can,” she returned.
