Page 15 of The Boss

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“I’d expect an expert tour guide like yourself to know all about that?”

The teasing glint in his grey eyes held her mesmerized and she sucked in a breath, his spicy scent packing as powerful a punch as the slow, sexy smile curving his lips.

She couldn’t think straight when he stared at her let alone remember the question, and when he leaned forward a fraction and murmured, “Well?” she did the stupidest, most impulsive thing she’d ever done.

She kissed him.

* * *

Warningbells clanged in Aidan’s head as Beth closed the short distance between them and lay one on him.

A pretty pathetic description for the mind-blowing kiss to end all kisses.

The bells intensified as she placed her hands on his chest, bracing against him while angling her mouth for better access to his.

He had a split second to react, to come to his senses and stop this insanity. For that’s what it was, total and utter madness, submitting to a scorching kiss from a sex kitten who happened to be an employee.

However, the moment her tongue flicked out to touch his, he threw caution to the wind and went crazy, dragging her into his arms, running his hands through the silky softness of her hair, savoring the sweetness of her mouth in a kiss that defied description.

He lost all sense of time and place as the kiss deepened to the point where she climbed onto his lap, slid her hands up his chest to anchor behind his neck, and hung on for dear life.

He would’ve lost it completely if not for the wolf-whistle from a nearby patron and he pulled away, a hint of cranberry on his lips and a handful of lush woman perched way too comfortably on his crotch. His very aroused crotch.

“I guess I should apologize for that,” she murmured, her gaze uncertain, her expression half-dazed half-appalled as her tongue darted out to moisten her lips and he stifled a groan, desperate to pick up where they’d left off, knowing it wasn’t going to happen.

He wouldn’t let it,couldn’tlet it.

“I don’t know what to say.” He aimed for honesty, rather than some lame half-assed line like ‘that was a mistake’.

Because it wasn’t.

He may be a fool, he may be crazy, but he wasn’t a hypocrite, and after spending all day denying there wasn’t an ounce of attraction between them—and couldn’t be because of their work situation—she’d blasted his reservations along with his self-delusions to kingdom-come with that scintillating kiss.

Sliding off his lap and smoothing her hair as if nothing had happened, she sent him another of those part-vulnerable part-seductress smiles.

“Then don’t say anything. Let’s just blame it on the atmosphere, the late hour, and the tension of interrogating your new employee.”

Just like that, his passion-hazed mind cleared and clarity crashed in.

He’d just kissed hisemployee, when he’d always maintained a strict ‘no mixing business with pleasure’ rule his entire career.


He had the best analytical brain in the business and whichever way he looked at it, what had just happened was wrong. He couldn’t get involved with her, no matter how much she’d blown his mind with that kiss—or how much he’d like a repeat performance, taking it all the way.

So he was attracted to her? No big deal. He could handle it. As long as he didn’t handle her.

He needed to get out of here, away from her intoxicating presence so he could think this through, but right now marshalling his thoughts was damn difficult considering the blood had drained from his brain and headed south courtesy of that incredible kiss.

“Blaming the atmosphere or the time isn’t going to cut it. That kiss was way out of line.”

“You’re right.” Her lips curved into a coy smile that had him focussing on exactly how great they’d felt gliding over his. “But it was sensational all the same.”

She leaned toward him, her warm peachy fragrance wrapping him in a sensual cocoon as she whispered against his ear, “Just for the record, you kiss real good.”

Unable to stop the goofy grin spreading across his face, and knowing he had to get out of here before he did something else he’d regret—or enjoy—he held up his hands in surrender. “I have to go. Early start tomorrow.”

“Running scared, Professor?”
