Page 17 of The Boss

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She’d had Aidan pegged as a highly driven, career focussed, not much time for fun, type of guy.

She’d been wrong. Very wrong.

There was no way he could kiss like that if he spent all his time with his nose to the grindstone. Uh-uh. Aidan had depths to him she hadn’t begun to fathom and boy, was it going to be fun trying to explore every hidden facet.

Yeah, he was her boss and yeah, she shouldn’t go near him with a ten foot dinosaur bone, but that kiss last night had changed everything. She’d learned the hard way that life was too short not to make the most of every opportunity, and Aidan Voss was one big, delicious opportunity wrapped up in a designer suit.

“Hi, Beth.”

She stopped at the tentative tap on her shoulder and swivelled to face Dorothy.

“’Morning. How are you?”

“Great.” Dorothy tugged self-consciously at her burgundy fitted jacket flaring at the hips, over a matching pencil skirt. “Thanks for helping me choose this outfit yesterday. I feel like a new woman.”

“You’re welcome.” Beth smiled, trying to focus on the suit and avert her gaze from Dorothy’s staid navy pumps, whose scuff marks were poorly hidden by a shade of blue almost as hideous as the shoes themselves. “How about we do a bit of shoe shopping today at lunchtime?”

The young woman’s face fell. “I can’t. I’m filling in for one of the temps in the Science gallery.”

“No worries, we’ll do it tomorrow.”

Dorothy’s ecstatic expression made Beth glad she could share her love of fashion with her. “Sounds good.”B

Beth glanced at her watch and grimaced. “Sorry, Dot. Love to stay and chat but the boss might be on the warpath.”

Dorothy snapped her fingers. “I forgot. Mr. Voss wants to see you and he isn’t looking happy.”

“Uh-oh, what have I done now,” she muttered under her breath, before thanking Dorothy and heading up to his office.

The solid, square heels of her new court shoes clomped along the marble corridor and she wriggled her toes in disgust, hating the fit of the ugly shoes almost as much as the look of them.

Though she was about to change all that.

She really shouldn’t do this, considering she’d been trying to convince Aidan of her professionalism at the end of last night, but she’d seen the spark in his eyes, the devilish glint that told her their attraction was entirely mutual.

Besides, there was no harm in having a little laugh on the job. It fostered good workplace relations…it was team-building…great for employee morale.

Smiling, she pulled up outside Aidan’s door and cast a quick glance up and down the corridor. Reassured it was empty, she slipped a pair of fabulous mulberry spangly sandals out of her bag, kicked off the pumps, and reacquainted her feet with a familiar pair of old friends.

“That’s better.” Her grin turned positively smug as she admired the contrast of her hot pink toenails against the deep purple satin strap covering her forefoot. “Much better.”

Schooling her face into serious mode was hard work considering the persistent smile threatening to break through as she envisaged Aidan’s expression when he laid eyes on her shoes, but she managed it in time to knock sharply at his door and enter after his muffled ‘come in’.

“You wanted to see me?”

She knew the exact moment he noticed the shoes. He stopped dead in his tracks half way across the office, his slate gaze riveted to her feet.

“What the hell are those?”

He pointed to her sandals and she wriggled her toes in response.

“Would you believe I had another shoe crisis on the way in today?”

His gaze snapped up to meet hers, stormy grey warring with cheeky green. “No.”

“Would you believe the dog ate my work shoes?”

