Page 25 of The Boss

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Her pinkie joined the rest of her bent fingers. “Lastly, no more giving you a hard time. You’ve been really patient with me and I appreciate it, and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to hold down this job. If only you’ll give me another chance.”

She refrained from adding ‘pretty please with a cherry on top’, just.

No reaction. Not a glimmer of a smile. No amused glint in those slate eyes. Nothing.

In desperation, she grabbed a serviette off the table and twisted it in her lap, clamping her lips shut before she said something to blow her chances. She could plead her case further and tell him the whole truth, like how Lana was like a sister to her, how Lana was the only family she’d ever had after her mom died, how Lana had hugged her too many times to count when her dad wouldn’t.

But what would be the point? Aidan was a facts guy. He dealt in a cold analytical world of black and white. He’d probably see her emotional side as a sign of weakness and there was no way she’d give him any more ammunition to get rid of her.

She’d done enough of that herself without trying.

When ten seconds stretched to thirty and the napkin lay shredded in her lap along with her fading hope, some of her old fire kicked in.

“Well? Are you going to keep me in suspense forever or do you want me to beg?”

Uh-oh, bad move. She bit the tip of her tongue as his eyes finally sparked. Had she really promised not to give him a hard time if he took her back? She had as much chance of following through on that as resisting a chocolate croissant every time she walked past this place.

Aidan steepled his fingers together and leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table. “When you said you wouldn’t give me a hard time anymore, does that mean you’ll stop calling me Professor?”

Before an instant agreement tumbled from her lips, he held up a hand. “Because I’ve never had a nickname before and I actually like it.”

Realization dawned in that moment.

She’d won.

He was giving her another chance.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you.” Before she could think twice she jumped up from her seat, leaned across the table, framed his face with her hands, and planted an impulsive kiss on his lips.

She’d meant it as a thank you, a brief, impersonal, doesn’t-mean-a-thing, kiss.

However, any sense of gratitude evaporated along with her plans to behave rationally as she registered the soft warmth of his mouth beneath hers, the feel of the faintest stubble against her palms, and the stimulating taste of coffee and chocolate lingering on his lips.

Knowing she had to pull away for the sake of her job she lingered a second longer, savoring the sensation of her mouth on his, before sitting again and fiddling with her hair as if the aberrant kiss had never happened.

Bracing for another warning, his warm smile took her completely by surprise.

“If that’s what I get for reinstating you, I’d like to see what’s in store if I give you a promotion.”

Her heart kicked over at his power packed smile and the implication behind his words, while she wondered for the umpteenth time what it was about this guy that had her so hot and bothered.

He wore designer suits and sedate ties, she preferred jeans and T-shirts on her guys.

His hair was short and too tidy, she preferred long around the collar and unruly.

He was a CEO, she preferred creative guys, musicians and artists and writers, guys who didn’t conform.

Then why couldn’t she stop thinking about him let alone control her hormones? She heated from the inside out whenever he looked at her and as for their sparring…if he only knew how much a quick comeback and quicker wit turned her on.

Then again, maybe she was protesting too much? Maybe his latent adventurous side matched hers all too well? Maybe it scared the living daylights out of her how quickly she’d acted on their attraction? How much she’d like to take it further given half a chance?

More flustered than she cared to admit, she wriggled in her chair. “So I’m reinstated?”

Aidan watched Beth squirm, her hands shifting from fidgeting with the sugar sachets on the table to tucking stray strands of hair into her bun to toying with the cutlery.

He’d never met anyone so impulsive, so spontaneous, so downright amazing.

Even now he couldn’t believe she’d been astute enough to figure out his rationale, then confront him about it, before verbalizing their attraction and having the audacity to ask for her job back.
