Page 41 of The Boss

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She chuckled, not surprised her laugh had a slight hysterical edge considering she couldn’t get the erotic image of the two of them and those sexy silk scarves out of her head.

“I’m not uncomfortable, it’s just that your question about being tied up during sex surprised me, considering you’re the quiet charmer and I’m supposed to be the bold one, remember?”

He winked as he threw open the door. “Haven’t you heard the quiet ones are always the worst?”

“I stand duly warned,” she said, exhaling as she glimpsed the bedroom, not sure if she was disappointed or relieved at the lack of satin sheets and silk scarves.

However, her imagination took flight again as he led her into the most gorgeous room in the house, a room at complete odds with the rest.

“The ensuite,” he said, in the same conversational tone he’d used to announce the rest of the rooms.

“Wow.” She released his hand and headed straight for the monstrous spa bath mounted in the corner. “This is amazing.” She let her hand drift along the pale green marble, the gold taps, the border edged in exquisite mosaic. “You must never want to get out of this.”

He propped in the doorway, amused at her drooling over a bath tub. “Actually, I’ve never taken a bath.”

“Here, you mean?”

He shook his head, joining her at the tub. “Ever.”

Aidan saw the confusion in her eyes and felt compelled to explain. “My mom and dad made me shower as soon as I could stand up. Guess they never had the time for lolling around in baths.”

She snorted. “By the looks of this tub I’m guessing they’ve changed a lot since then. This is one serious bath tub.”

He shrugged and perched on the edge of it. “Personally, I don’t see the attraction.”

“You’re kidding.” With a snap of her fingers, her eyes lit up and she yanked open the vanity cupboard, ducking her head into it and letting out an excited squeal.

Covering his eyes with his hand, he said, “Don’t tell me, you’ve found more evidence my folks aren’t the couple of old fuddy-duds I imagine.”

Straightening so fast she almost hit her head on the washbasin, Beth faced him with a cheeky glint in her eyes and a teasing smile playing about her mouth. “Don’t worry, there aren’t any silk scarves if that’s what you’re worried about.”

He groaned, quickly blotting out that ghastly image. “You’ve got a dangerous look in your eyes.”

She advanced toward him, sashaying across the incredibly large bathroom. “Dangerous, huh? Perhaps you should be afraid.”

She hooked her hands around his neck and pulled him down for a swift, scorching kiss that had all the blood in his head instantly heading south. “Very afraid.”

He needed little encouragement to prolong the moment, his excitement skyrocketing as she opened her mouth to him again, her tongue slowly meeting his in an erotic, sinuous dance that had him wishing they could stay like this forever.


In that moment it hit him, how much he’d like to get to know this crazy woman, every gorgeous, spontaneous inch of her, and how much—for the first time in his life—he’d consider staying in one place for an emotional reason rather than for his precious career.

Buoyed by the startling realisation of how much he wanted a relationship with her, he backed her against the vanity cabinet, kissing her longer, harder, deeper, hungry kisses that fuelled his fire for her.

“Mmm…” Her appreciative moan sizzled through his blood and he almost lost it.

However, this wasn’t what he wanted from tonight. At least, not until later, after he’d wined and dined her, chatted and flirted with her, establishing a connection that went beyond the incredible physical bond they shared.

Last night at her place had been amazing and he’d replayed it like a porno through his mind all day. But he wanted tonight to be about more than sex, about exploring the possibility of the two of them dating, and hot on the heels of his revelation a few moments ago, he knew he had to take this slow despite every horny cell in his body telling him otherwise.

Ending the kiss with reluctance, he pulled away just enough to trace her lips with his finger, to watch her shining green eyes haze over with passion.

“I need to check the stove before my efforts to impress you go up in smoke.”

She smiled, trying to draw his finger into her mouth but he was too quick, snatching it away before she undid him completely. “You’ve already impressed me and it has nothing to do with your cooking skills.”

Battling a raging libido was hard enough without this sexy woman staring at him like she wanted to eat him alive, but he managed to take a few ragged breaths before stepping away.
