Page 57 of The Boss

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“That’s not going to happen.” He captured her hand as it left his brow and drew it toward his mouth where he placed a slow, lingering kiss on her palm.

“There aren’t any guarantees. You could fall down one of those giant big holes you dig while searching for some relic. You could get crushed by an ancient ruin tumbling on your head. You could—”

“Fall even harder than I already have,” he murmured, silencing her with the type of kiss she could only dream about.


“In love with you.”

Her breath caught as the warmth of his smile reflected in his eyes, bathing her in the reassurance she so badly needed.

“I love you too.” She cupped his face in her hands and eyeballed him, beseeching him to understand what it meant for her to verbalize her feelings out loud. “And if you’re willing to take a risk on an extroverted, fun-loving, metal sculptor with a shoe fetish, I’m all yours.”

“No risk.”

He captured her hands and slowly slid them down his torso until they rested over his heart, the steady beat another reminder of how good this guy was for her.

He would stabilize her, she would pep him up.

He would show her the world, she would show him a million different ways to enjoy it.

Yin and Yang.

Two perfect halves making a whole.

“No risk at all,” he said, his gravelly tone sending a shiver of longing through her. “We’re a sure thing.”

“Too right,” she said, sliding her hands out from under his to delve into her bag. “By the way, I got you a going away present.”

Biting on the inside of her cheek to stop from laughing, she handed him the small black foil wrapped parcel. He turned it over several times, prodded and shook it, before slowly pulling on the gold ribbon binding it.

“Hurry up,” she said. “We’ll be in Rio by the time you open it.”

“Haven’t you heard the old saying good things come to those who wait…”

The rest of what he’d been about to say died on his lips as the wrapping fell open to reveal a matching pair of exquisite amethyst silk scarves he picked up and slid through his fingers, the slow, sensuous movement causing heat to flow through her body as he stared at her with desire.

“Does this mean you want to tie me up?”

“Forever,” she murmured, tugging on the scarves, bringing him close enough to kiss.

“Sounds like a plan.”

And as the plane taxied down the runway, they made a few more.

“Six months on the road at digs, six months in Melbourne for you to sculpt?” He asked.


“We keep the gallery and use it to showcase our talents?”


“We give this relationship a trial before doing the until death do us part thing?”

“No deal.” Hating the momentary panic flaring on his face, she said, “Who needs a trial? Some smart guy once said we’re both alike, being spontaneous and all. So how about it? You in this for the long haul?”

The tender glint in his eyes made her heart sing. “With you by my side, I’m up for anything.”
