Page 6 of The Boss

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Not that he was her type. She preferred her men scruffier, less domineering, more casual, and the super confident Aidan Voss definitely didn’t fit that bill.

Not that she should even consider him as any ‘type’. Lana would keel over and break her other ankle if she thought for one second she was sizing up their boss as sexy guy material.

“Well, here we are.”

“Thanks,” Beth said, momentarily distracted by her thoughts of Aidan as sexy and pulling up just in time to stop slamming into Dorothy’s ramrod straight back.

“I’ll be fine from here,” she added, eager to get rid of the volunteer so she could start doing some serious exploring and familiarize herself with the room. Though she’d studied up on the museum and done some serious swotting with Lana, she couldn’t afford to make any more gaffs or draw further attention to herself.

Her job depended on it and in turn, Lana’s. She wouldn’t mess this up for her cousin. She owed her, big time, and not just for the job.

Dorothy hesitated, toying with her name badge while a small frown creased her brow. “Can I ask you something?”

“Sure.” Beth hoped it wasn’t a question about the brontosaurus location or where the authentic movie set from an iconic Aussie movie was.

“Where did you get those amazing shoes?”

Beth laughed and wriggled her toes, wondering if it was a meaningful twist of fate that her heel on Lana’s drab shoes had broken on her way in.

“I’m hopeless with fashion and I’d kill to have a pair like that,” Dorothy added, her tone wistful.

Beth enjoyed meeting new people and making friends; she enjoyed talking fashion more, so she said, “Why don’t we meet for lunch and I’ll let you know where all the best shoe shops in Melbourne are located?”

“Great. See you in the cafeteria at one.”

Dorothy’s genuine smile was the first hint of real warmth Beth had seen and as she watched her walk away in her brown pants and matching jacket, with a prim cream blouse, severe hairstyle and not an ounce of style, Beth definitely felt like a makeover could be in order if Dorothy was up for it.

However, when she entered the Australiana gallery and took in the vast array of various displays, she realized she’d made a mistake. She should be focusing on getting up to scratch in here, not indulging her passion for retail therapy. This job was too important and she’d already made a less than favourable impression with her tardiness.

Sighing, she shook her head and headed for the first display. This business of being agood, sensible, dedicatedtour guide as she’d promised was going to be a lot harder than she thought.

* * *

Aidan sat backin his large leather chair and stared out the wide window at the Royal Exhibition Building framed by a cloudless blue sky.

He loved the old building, had loved this view the first moment he’d entered his dad’s office as a cocky archaeological student determined to take on the world. Or more correctly, travel the world in search of the ancient relics that made his pulse pound with excitement and always had since he’d accompanied his parents on his first dig as an inquisitive five year old.

He’d never forgotten the feel of hot sand beneath his hands as he dug alongside them with a miniature spade, the heat of an unforgiving Egyptian sun beating down as he scrabbled harder and harder until he’d found the small mummy figurine his father had assured him was there.

It wasn’t until years later he’d realized his dad had planted it there for him to find in typical puppet-master fashion but by then it had been too late. He’d chosen his path. He’d wanted to be an archaeologist, the best in the business. His dad may have chosen a desk job despite being the premier historian in Australia but Aidan had wanted more, craved more.

Ironic, considering he now sat in his dad’s vacated chair, the last place he wanted to be given a choice.

He picked up his cell and tapped the first name in his favourites list, knowing his dad would berate him for interrupting his siesta, remembering times gone by when the indefatigable Abe Voss would’ve been out and about at this time of the morning, prime exploratory time before the scorching outback sun sent even the hardiest explorer scurrying for shade.

“Aidan. Good morning.”

“Hey, Dad.”

“What’s up?”

Aidan stiffened, Abe’s gruff, brisk tone the same abrasive way he’d spoken to him all his life, as if he were an interruption to be tolerated. No niceties, no normal exchange of pleasantries. But then, what did he expect, for his father to change just because he was doing the old man a favor?

Swallowing his annoyance, Aidan swiveled his chair away from the view and picked up Beth Walker’s CV.

“I met the new tour guide this morning. She’s not what I expected.”

“She’s something else, isn’t she? I knew she’d be perfect for the job.”
