Page 58 of Stolen Obsession

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I just wanted to be able to make my own choices.

“There you are, wildcat.” I’d been so caught up in my inner musings that I hadn’t heard the door to the room open. “What are you still doing in here? Nan said you finished trying on your gala dress hours ago.”

Shrugging a shoulder, I continued to stare out the window, not moving. Ava’s words were still churning in my mind, and I couldn’t seem to let them go. The side of me that still believed in princes and knights, the little girl who dreamed of fairy tales, wanted with all her heart to believe that these two men cared about me.

That I was more to them than just the sum of my last name.

“Hey, now,” he whispered. The bed dipped behind me, and then Seamus was pulling me into his lap. “What’s all this?”

“I don’t know.” I cuddled closer to his warm, broad chest. “Just anxious about going home tomorrow night, I guess.” Seamus’s arms tightened around my smaller frame, one hand running soothing circles down my back while his other hand came to my cheek.

“We won’t let anything happen to you, Bailey.” He held my gaze, his emerald eyes holding mine as he conveyed how serious he was. “I promise you that. You’re ours, wildcat, and we protect what’s ours.”

That was the crux of the situation, though, wasn’t it?

I wasn’t theirs. I could never be theirs, and I opened my mouth to tell him so, but he silenced me with a kiss. Soft, tender, and slow. Like we had all the time in the world.

“You’re ours, Bailey,” he vowed, edging himself off the bed with me still in his arms. “And we’re gonna show you just how much.”

I held on to his neck as he carried me out of the spare room and back to the one I’d spent every night in. The bed they pleasured me in, held me in.

“Found her, I see.” Kiernan strode out of the bathroom, a towel around his waist.

“Aye,” Seamus confirmed cheekily as he set me down on my feet. “Thought she could escape us and hide away.”

Kiernan beamed. “And here I thought we could give our good girl a reward.”

Fuck me, those two words were like a fucking spell.

“I was too a good girl,” I told them obstinately. “I was very good. Ask Nan.”

The twins laughed. “I don’t think we can trust yer word, lass.”

Well, shit.

“Look here, mister,” my eyes narrowed playfully at him, “I’ll have you know I was on my best behavior. I deserve orgasms.”

The twins stared at each other in shocked silence for a moment at my words. I’d been forward with them before, but not when it came to the bedroom. In the bedroom, I was still as demure as I’d started. It wasn’t my area of expertise, and the twins were more than happy to take control.

“Oh, did you hear that, brother?” Seamus smirked, the hunger in his eyes sending a shiver of desire to my core. “Our lady wants orgasms.”

“Lots of them,” I made sure to add.

Kiernan raised a brow at his brother. “Lots of them, indeed,mo fraochÚn beag.”

And there goes my inner hussy and her cartwheels.

“Better start stripping if you want those orgasms, wildcat.” Seamus winked at me. He dug around in the nightstand by the bed as I all but tore my clothes from my body until I was standing naked before them. Seamus dropped an unmarked bottle on the bed and then proceeded to remove his own clothes. All Kiernan had to do was drop his towel.

All my thoughts disappeared, and there was nothing left but the hot stroke of desire surging through me. The twins glanced at each other, having another silent conversation, before Kiernan moved to one of the wingback chairs, pulling it to the end of the bed. He sat, his legs spread wide, lazily stroking his cock.

“Let’s give him a show, wildcat.”

I squealed as Seamus pulled me to the end of the bed so my legs were dangling off. Leaning back slightly, I spread my legs, giving him an unobstructed view. I gazed at Kiernan through hooded eyes as I trailed my fingers down my chest, letting them linger on my breasts before inching them down my stomach to my mound.

“Show us how you make yourself come,” Kiernan demanded, his chest rising and falling in shallow pants of unobstructed desire. My hand paused, trembling slightly as it hovered over my vagina. I’d never made myself come before, at least not with my hand. Sure, I had a vibrator or two that latched on to my clit like a champ, but I’d never been one for sticking my own fingers inside my pussy.

