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“Just because I’m holding our baby doesn’t mean I won’t kick your ass, Old Man,” I reminded him playfully. “I’m still just as tough as I was a year and a half ago.”

“Yeah, I remember,” Josh replied, scratching at the stubble on his cheek wisely as he recounted, “You wouldn’t give me a break unless I—”

I slapped my hand over his mouth, half-heartedly admonishing, “Not in front of the baby. But you could finish that story later if you’d like.”

Josh chuckled at the impish way I stuck my tongue out of the corner of my mouth, promising, “I’ll spend all night recounting our torrid love affair, don’t worry.”

In my arms, Lizzy let out a loud cry as though she was annoyed that she wasn’t included in the conversation and I rocked her while mock pouting, “Oh, I’m sorry, Peanut. Do you feel left out?”

“Maybe she just misses her aunt and uncle,” Josh mused, plucking at a blade of grass beside him. “When did Nat find out they were pregnant?”

“Last week,” I answered brightly, excited to return all the favors my sister had done for me now that they were going to have a baby. “I’m sure she’ll be over all the time now to learn our tips and tricks. And to spend time with this one.” Leaning down to kiss Lizzy’s cheek, I breathed in deeply, cherishing her unique smell that would be forever imprinted into my brain.

“Has Anthony gone on his second date with that girl yet?” I asked, changing subjects abruptly but Josh didn’t seem to mind.

“Yeah, I think he took her to that Italian place we used to go to for lunch,” he said, twirling the grass between his fingers listlessly. “What was her name again?”


“Oh, I knew that.” Josh scoffed to himself, “it’s just hard to keep track of all of them…hopefully this one sticks around for a while.”

“Forgetfulness is a symptom of aging,” I contemplated. “Maybe you really are turning into an old man.”

Josh whistled, volleying back, “You’ve still got that wicked tongue, Red. Guess I’m going to have to put it to good use tonight, huh?”

I squealed, “Josh! Not in front of the b-a-b-y!” But inwardly, I found myself desperate for what the late hours would bring.

While Josh laughed beside me, I sighed, “well, you might be adirtyold man, but you’re still mine.”

“Gee, thanks.”

“You’re welcome,” I smirked.


After I made good on my promises to Amelia, she started to doze, her body naturally taking advantage of some quiet time while our Lizzy slept in her bassinet. The sun was just beginning to set, bathing our room in streaks of golden orange as the clouds painted themselves pink and blue. Standing in the doorway, much like I had on our “final” night together, I let my mind drift while I watched her sleep.

I thought back to that perfect woman I had imagined—patient but stubborn enough to match my temper, hardworking, and a red-haired, green-eyed beauty. Whether or not I’d realized it before, I had been picturing Amelia, even though I hadn’t met her yet.

If Anthony were here and I told him, he would insist it was some grand plan of the universe, that we were destined to be together, but I wasn’t so sure. No, I would have to credit this cosmic coincidence to nothing more than a heart knowing what it wanted.

Instinctively, the beating organ in my chest had already decided which woman would change the course of my life and there she’d been. Amelia Roberts, her file picture amusingly deceiving, staring back at me as I sat there in that hospital bed with a torn ACL.

I chuckled quietly as she shifted in her sleep, the swell of her breast more visible now that she was on her side, and a groan escaped my lips before I could stifle it.

That woke her from her hazy sleep. “Josh? Why haven’t you come back to bed yet?” She regarded me with half-lidded eyes, taking in the pajama pants that were slung low on my hips and my shirtless chest, which showed off my chest hair—one of her favorite things, apparently.

“Come here,” she beckoned with a sultry tone, lifting the sheets to give me an eyeful of her bare body beneath. “You look too good to be lurking over there all by yourself.”

I obliged my wife with a smirk, shedding the rest of my clothes before sliding in beside her. As Amelia nestled her head into the juncture between my neck and shoulder, humming contentedly, I wrapped an arm around her, inwardly celebrating the fact that I would never be alone again. All thanks to my Amelia.

The End
