Page 24 of Second Love

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She snorted. “It’s not like we can fall to our deaths.” Maddie moved away from him and began to pick her way across the jagged rocks. “Well, I’m going to, even if you’re not.”

Hand to the slippery rocks, she eyed the sea beside her as it whirled around the dark stone. It wasn’t choppy nor was it deep here but the rocks were sharp and slimy. She could easily slip and make an idiot of herself.

“Maddie,” Sawyer called but she ignored him and kept going. How stupid she must look. But she couldn’t give up now. Maybe it was dumb to want to relive some of her happiest moments but how often did she do dumb things?

He cursed loudly enough for her to hear it. She didn’t look back at him as she had to climb over a large rock pool teaming with tiny fish and a few crabs. If she wanted her pumps to stay dry, she needed to watch her step. Clinging on with her fingertips, she hissed when her bare thigh scraped a particularly jagged outcrop.

Only a few more steps, then she’d have to clamber over the last bit and she’d be at the end. “Shoot.” Her foot slipped and a tiny splash told her she’d managed to stick her foot into another rock pool. Then she felt the dampness seep in. Yuck.

Oh well, it was only a wet shoe. She continued on and hauled herself up the largest part of the rock formation. Once on top, she peered down the other side. The golden sun was dropping farther still and a grey light settled over the sea. It didn’t look so appealing now. And had it always been that far down? The last part of the outcrop was flat enough to stand on and look out onto the sea but she had to somehow get down this part first.

Shuffling forward on her bottom, she put one leg over the edge, then the other. Then she changed her mind and rotated, coming onto her stomach. That would be the easiest way, right? Maddie pushed back and tried not to think about how stupid she must look with her legs dangling off the edge. One leg half off, the other one nearly all the way, she glanced down and panicked. She’d have to jump, her legs didn’t reach. What if she slipped and fell into the sea? What if she cracked her head and drowned?

“I’ve got you.” A hand wrapped around her wrist.


“I’m stuck,” she said feebly.

He took her other hand and panic burst in her chest when he began to push her off the rocks. Had she annoyed him that much with her questions that he wanted to fling her into the ocean?

“Stretch out your feet, you’re not that short, Maddie.”

He lowered her down and she found he was right. The ground hadn’t been as far away as she’d thought and soon she was standing on the ledge. When he released her wrists, she gave them a little rub and rested back against the stone. Perhaps she wasn’t made for excitement.

A pair of legs appeared near her head and she nearly jumped into the ocean as her heart smacked against her rib cage. In one easy movement, Sawyer leapt down and stood beside her. He didn’t even stumble or slip.

“I hope this was worth it.”

Maddie looked out over the ocean. From where they were, it seemed as though they were in the middle of it. The beach was far behind and only the curving coastline reminded her of where they were. Behind them, the lighthouse had come on and it cast a long beam out into the sea. But aside from that, the only other sign of life was Sawyer. For now, it felt as though there was only the two of them left in the world and she kind of liked that.

“I think so.”

He took her hand. “I guess you’re right.”

Sawyer drew her closer, forcing her to face him. A finger came up to brush her hair from her face. Her pulse stuttered. With the sun disappearing, the dusky light drew out the shadows in his face. If it wasn’t for the way he touched her so gently, she’d think she was with bad boy Sawyer right now.

Part of her missed him.

A finger skimmed her nose then her bottom lip. She was fairly certain her mouth was hanging open like a fish. Perhaps she didn’t miss him. She definitely liked this Sawyer right now.

That finger traced her jaw, lingered over the shell of her ear and pressed into her hair. His whole hand cupped her head and she melted into him like butter on a hot summer’s day. She wasn’t entirely sure she even had legs. They seemed to have stopped functioning. Only her heart continued to beat. The rest of her had gone into shutdown as he closed the gap.

A breeze whispered between them but she didn’t think she had enough air to breathe. Everything grew tight with anticipation, including her chest. His mouth came down on hers, slowly, sensually. She kept her eyes open because she couldn’t quite believe it.

And now he was kissing her. It was so soft, she wasn’t quite sure what was happening. This strong man kissed her almost reverently. She hardly knew how to respond. For the moment, she remained utterly limp in his arms. Every shred of common sense or intelligence had vanished the moment he’d touched her.

Finally, the spark of warmth he’d ignited worked its way into the rest of her body and she was alive and functioning again. Now she felt everything too much. Heat thrummed through her. Desire pooled low in her belly, and she had the urge to fling herself against him and climb the man like a tree. Maddie leaned forward, flattened her chest to his and kissed him firmly.

He jerked, groaned and went to grab her but as she came up on tiptoes, one foot slipped out from beneath her. Then the other. The next thing she knew, she was coming up for air, water pouring down her face. She spluttered and grabbed wildly for the rocks.

Before she found purchase, a splash sounded beside her and she whirled to see Sawyer had jumped in after her. He didn’t go all the way in because his jump had been planned but water lingered on his hair and face like little sparkling stars.

He swam over to her and she shoved her soaked hair out of her face. Her clothes whirled around her, so heavy that they dragged her back and forth with the gentle wash of the waves.

“Are you okay?” He grabbed her arms and looked over her. His bare shoulders peeked out of the water and she realised he’d at least managed to whip off his t-shirt before coming in after her.

She grimaced. Her shoes had gone. Though the bottom of the sea wasn’t far away, they’d probably been dragged off by the gentle current and she certainly didn’t want to try diving for them.
