Page 7 of Second Love

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He nodded. Ryan wore jogging pants and a tight t-shirt. Sweat stuck the material to him. The man was in good shape. Ryan had always been scrawny when they were kids, while he was the muscular one. Lots of things had changed in Ballicliff. Not enough though. It was still the same stifling, judgemental town is had always been. He couldn’t wait to get Maddie out of here and show her the big wide world.

“Been for a run?”

“Yeah, just finished up.” Ryan swiped his forehead with his t-shirt. “Was that Mrs Fletcher? Are you putting the place on the market?”

Sawyer lifted a shoulder. “No point in keeping it.”

“You’ll be lucky to shift it in this state. I heard developers were buying up in this area. Have you considered selling to them?”

He frowned. What did Ryan know about real estate? The guy ran his dad’s beachfront cafe now apparently. He couldn’t see him paying much attention to how the housing market was doing.

“They approached me about the cafe,” he explained. “Wanted to offer me a large sum to sell up. Can you imagine what would happen if I sold the place? Dad would have a fit.”

“Yeah, you’d have a riot on your hands for sure. I don’t suppose anyone will care much for this place though.”

“I don’t know. People respected your dad. They’ll be sad to see it go.”

Sawyer clenched his teeth.Everyonewas sad to his dad go. Why? The man was a waste of space and he hadn’t even looked after the house. It was an eyesore. They should be grateful to him for making the town prettier.

“You not working today?” Sawyer asked, itching to move away from the subject of his father.

“No, they don’t need me. I tend to stick to the paperwork side of things now. The place practically runs itself. Besides, I’m a volunteer lifeboat crew member. That keeps me busy too.”

“Sounds like you’re doing great for yourself.”

“Can’t complain.” Ryan glanced at the digital watch on his wrist. “Look, I’d better get going but I just wanted to say sorry about your dad. I know you didn’t see eye-to-eye but...”


He managed to suppress a sigh as he watched Ryan jog off. He was going to have to tolerate a lot more comments like that. More offers of sympathy. He didn’t want them. His father hadn’t even tried to get in touch when he’d run away to his aunt’s. As far as he was concerned, his dad was dead to him a long time ago. Now he just had a lot of messy loose ends to tie up.

And a woman to win over.

Chapter Three

The sweet white cottage had always been popular with holiday-makers. Maddie wondered how Sawyer had managed to book Primrose Cottage at the last minute. She lifted the heavy brass knocker and rapped it twice before eyeing the bottle glass window and glossy painted black door. She tried to see her refection but it wasn’t that glossy. Hopefully she didn’t look at hot and as angry as she felt.

“Two minutes,” a muffled voice called.

She rapped again, impatience making her shift from foot to foot. How could he? How very like him to come back into town, kiss her—well sort of kiss her—and threaten to wreak damage on the place before disappearing again.

The door swung open abruptly and her anger melted. Maddie’s gaze landed on the vast expanse of damp chest that Sawyer was frantically buttoning a shirt over. She couldn’t help watch his thick fingers do up each of the little buttons on the checked shirt. She swallowed hard and dragged her gaze up to his damp hair. He must have been showering.

Oh good God, she didn’t need that mental image. Not right now.

“Maddie.” He grinned and raked a hand through his hair. It had a curl to it when damp. Now she wanted to run her hands through it.

This was not going as planned.

“Is it true?” she demanded breathlessly.

“Is what true?”

“You’re going to sell off the house?”

His smile disappeared and he stepped aside. “Why don’t you come in for a minute?”

Maddie hesitated. Out here, she had a slight advantage. Well, maybe not an advantage, but she wasn’t at a disadvantage as such. But did she really want to be shouting at him while tourists strolled by and everyone stared at her?
