Page 121 of The King's Weapon

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He helped lift Fynn out of the water. But before they left, he looked at the woman he loved and memorized every inch of her. How her dark chestnut hair flowed around her face. How her skin glowed in the light of the fire behind them. How her blue eyes turned golden, reflecting the flickering flames. How the cloak, a different one than he had seen that first night at the tavern, billowed in the wind revealing her athletic frame. And how she twisted the ring that still encircled her finger.

And it was that small piece of gold that was the last knot that secured his plan in place.

Kalisandre had told him it was her mother's ring. The only item she owned that belonged to her, the only piece of the woman who she believed to be dead. But that wasn't the truth.

His mother, Lysanthia Osiros was the most powerful seer Pontia had seen in the past century. Before his mother had died during childbirth, a tragedy she had known was coming, Lysanthia had left Esmeray with one last vision. She had told Esmeray that their children yet to be born were destined for each other, their lives entwined.

Therefore, when Lysanthia discovered she would not survive childbirth, she wanted to ensure that Graeson was able to possess the traditional Pontian rings. It was one of his kingdom's many traditions for the partners' families to forge rings out of a unique gold metal found on the small island off of Pontia's west coast. The family members, traditionally parents, chose the piece of metal and partook in the process to forge the two rings. The metal, having been embedded with Pontanius' will and power, was meant to forge a bond between two lovers so strong that once worn and vowed upon was unbreakable. And due to the power within the ring, only the owner could remove the jewelry once on. Which must have been why Kalisandre still possessed it.

Since Graeson would be left in this world without his parents alongside him, Lysanthia and Esmeray preemptively created the rings for their children. Both mothers wanted to provide their future children with this gift that could only be granted once.

As children, he and Kallie wore them as necklaces. They were too young to understand what the rings meant besides that they were important gifts from their mothers. And to this day, Graeson wore his Pontian ring alongside his other rings. And so did Kalisandre.

Although a seer's visions were not definite and could change, the majority of Lysanthia’s visions placed Graeson next to Kallie's side. And Graeson believed in his mother's words. He knew she was the best seer who had lived. And he knew that, according to her visions, every path led Kallie and him to each other.

Every path except for one.

And he was determined to not let this moment be the one that put them on the path that would divide them.

So, as Graeson turned and walked away from the woman who was his, the woman who owned him completely, he vowed to rescue her once and for all. To avenge his kingdom, his friend, his family for the havoc that the bull-headed king had brought to his shores.

For nothing else mattered.

Noone else mattered. No one but her.
