Page 28 of The End of Me

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But let’s go back to that day. We were packing the vans. My cousin Byron and I were in charge of the food. I recall him saying, “I don’t understand why you chose to come with the Deckers instead of heading on vacation with Aunt Florence.”

There were so many reasons. I didn’t like tourist traps, Mom loved them. Neither one of my parents liked to spend much time learning the rich history of the European countries they visited. I enjoyed it. Hence, I have a minor in history that’ll come in handy when I start writing books.

I enjoyed the outdoors, but my parents wouldn’t get caught camping or going to a private island where they couldn’t share pictures with anyone.

The advantage of going on vacation with the Bradleys was that I would be able to practice martial arts while I was away. I was already planning on being a part of The Organization.

My parents had no idea that Mason Bradley headed a secret organization and was like double-o-seven. Well, that’s how Seth used to describe it. I wanted to be good enough so your uncle would hire me to work for him.

“Vacationing with my parents is boring as fuck,” I answered Byron as we continued loading the van.

“There’s that,” he said. “But they love you, you know.”

“I know. Why do you say that?”

He shrugged. “I’m jumping from one house to another because my parents can’t stand me. You…”

“Listen, I only avoid them when we go on vacations.”

“Or weekends,” he corrected me.

“It’s not my fault that we have hockey games or…” I came to a halt, holding a bag. “I’m simplifying their lives. Dad doesn’t want to drive me around, and Mom has to take Fletcher to practice all the time.”

“I guess that makes sense.”

“It does,” I assured him.

That’s something I love about Lang, he understands my logic and supports it most of the time.

We were almost done when I heard your voice. “Hey.”

I frowned and scanned the area. You were coming from inside of your uncle’s house. The fact that you guys share a backyard and can go in and out of each other’s houses was and still is pretty cool.

Back to that moment. I ran toward you with concern because, as far as I knew, you had left the night before. “What are you doing here, Ladybug? I thought you left for the island already.”

You pouted and shook your head. “We have to stay. Tucker’s in trouble. His name is all over the news.”

I’ll be honest with you, I hated your brother. He had the ability to cause mayhem everywhere he went. His friends weren’t any different. They were either fucking groupies, doing drugs, or… I didn’t like the chaos he brought to you guys.

“What did he do now?” I asked before taking you into my arms.

“According to the tabloid, he was doing drugs,” you said. “But he wouldn’t. My parents and their team are trying to control the narrative. Mom’s name and the pictures of her messy past are all over the internet.”

You weren’t crying, but you were distraught. My biggest fear that day was that you wouldn’t want to continue playing live. Not that you played in many venues or that people knew you were a Decker. I understand why you still keep the concerts to a minimum but please never stop sharing your gift.

Confession time: One of the reasons I wanted to become a part of The Organization was so I could learn how to protect you.

“It’s going to be okay.” I kissed the top of your head. “How do you want me to help?”

“You’re leaving.”

“No, I’m staying with you.”

You pushed yourself away slightly and stared at me. Back then, we were almost the same height. Who knew the year after that I would grow an entire foot? “You can’t stay,” you said, pressing your lips together and moving them from one side to the other.

“I could pretend that I’m with Mr. Bradley but actually stay with you,” I suggested.

You shook your head while leaning it against my chest. “No. I will never let you lie to your family.”

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