Page 62 of Rialta

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Chapter 23


Watching Kit run through the forest, I can’t tell if he’s hiding his skills or if he’s just a fucking idiot. Either way, I need to catch up to him. As I start running, a car engine speeds off in the night. It takes all of my willpower to not turn around and go after that car.

I focus on my target—running as fast as I can. I’m not sure it’s enough as the terrain turns from fields to forest. There are plenty of places for Kit to hide in this brush, and I’m not as fast as I once was. My injuries have slowed me down.

But I’m smarter than Kit. I’m not even sure he realizes I’m following him.

I eye the path he’s taking, and I dart left—taking a shortcut. A moment later, I’m tackling him to the ground.

Kit immediately starts fighting, trying to wrestle him off of me. He almost succeeds, but I pin him under my weight just as Gage and Hayes show up.

“Finally,” I sigh at them.

“Sorry, we wanted to see if you were still capable of taking someone down yourself,” Hayes teases.

I roll my eyes, and Gage just shrugs his shoulders. Then the two of them help me and Kit up, while Gage aims his gun at Kit.

“Let’s talk,” I say to Kit.

Kit eyes the gun. “Seems like I’m at your mercy, so talk.”

I sigh. “I’m trying to help you.”

“Like you helped me by sticking me in a bedroom at your house and keeping me in the dark about what’s going on? That didn’t help me.”

“No, like how I stitched you up, got you medical care, got you food, and protected you from harm.” I glare at him.

His eyes shoot daggers back.

“I want you to win,” I say. I can feel Gage and Hayes’s eyes cut to me in confusion.

Kit narrows his eyes at me in suspicion. “Why? You’re in love with her. It’s clear to see. Why would you want me to win?”

“It’s because I love her.” My words settle before I continue. “And Rialta loves you. She still hates me. She would never choose me. I’m not sure she wants me to die anymore, but I do know she wants you to live.”

“I’ll never trust you,” Kit says.

“Then you’re signing your own death certificate,” I snap back.

Kit stares off into the forest, as if he’s considering running despite having a gun aimed at him and knowing the three of us would chase him down in a heartbeat.

“You’ve completed two of the three tasks. You’ve declared your love for her, and you’ve fathered her baby.”

“So it’s true? The baby really is mine?”

“That’s not for me to say. What matters is that she loves you and wants to marry you, not me. And I want to help you.”

“Why didn’t you surrender when you had the chance? Why risk your life when you aren’t even trying to compete for yourself?” Kit asks.

“I’m technically married to Rialta. I doubt Vincent or anyone else would let me live, even if I dropped out. And, because I love her. I’d do anything for her, including dying if I have to.”

“You’re not going to die,” Gage says, surprising me with his insistence.

No one else says anything.

“It doesn’t matter if Rialta loves me; I’ll never be able to complete the final task. I don’t know who The Abyss is, and even if I did, I’m sure he’s far more skilled than I am,” Kit says.
