Page 48 of Gorgeous Prince

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Tommaso stands next to Severino with his back against the bookshelf and arms crossed, looking guilty as sin. He’s hardly muttered a word since we walked in. We decided to hold our meeting at their home so as not to bother those celebrating our reception dinner at the mansion.

Severino gestures for us to sit in the two leather chairs situated in front of his desk.

I don’t. Neither does my father.

Severino massages his temples. “It could’ve been the Lombardis.”

Vincent Lombardi, the head of the Lombardi family, would never attempt a move so risky. His son might’ve been stupid, but Vincent isn’t. It’s why his son died in his twenties, and Vincent is pushing seventy.

“Bullshit,” I hiss, balling my hands into fists. “We know everyone who works with and for the Lombardis, and those two dirty fucks who tried kidnapping my wife—and your daughter, might I add—were not one of his men.”

I’m not sure why I’m suddenly so protective over Neomi. Months ago, I’d have been happy to hear she was kidnapped. But after exchanging our vows, something has shifted. No one fucks with what’s mine.

Speaking to a don in this matter is disrespectful, especially when you’re not one yourself. But frankly, I don’t give a fuck.

Severino slams his hand onto the desk, and Tommaso winces.

“I don’t know what you want me to tell you, Marchetti,” he grunts.

“Someone had better tell us something,” my father says, his voice layered with accusation.

I glance at Tommaso. “What about you?” My eyes harden. “Why don’t you explain it to us then?”

Tommaso’s Adam’s apple bobs, and he refuses to make eye contact.

His actions tell me everything I need to know.

While some fathers spent their weekends teaching their kid sports, mine educated me about human behavior and body language.

“I have no idea,” Tommaso finally says, each word slowly leaving his mouth. “But we’re looking into it.” He places his fist to his mouth and clears his throat. “Our men are looking into it.”

I glare at him, certain he’s keeping something from me. “You have until the morning before I raise hell.”

This is the last shit I want to deal with.

I have a new wife to get home to.

“We’ll discuss this in the morning,” Severino says with a slow nod.

My father and I leave the room. Two guards are at the front door, and I give both a head nod as we exit the home.

“Tommaso knows something,” my father says when we climb into my Range Rover.

I clench my hand around the steering wheel. “He doesn’t just know something. He knows why it happened and is scared we’re going to find out.”

* * *

The mansion isquiet when we return.

It’s late, and it was a long day, so I wouldn’t be surprised if everyone is passed out. Hell, I think sleep is a waste of time, and I’m ready to collapse into my bed.

My father also prefers quiet, especially now, with Natalia being pregnant. I can only imagine how insufferable he’ll get with the rules once my baby brother is born.

I say good night to my father when we hit the top of the stairs. He retreats toward his wing, and I make a left toward mine.

My bedroom door is shut, but unlocked. A corner lamp shines when I enter the bedroom to find Neomi sleeping and snuggled on my side of the bed. I step to the edge and appreciate the solitude of taking her in without hearing her mouth.

Her hair is a wild mess, strands lying in every direction on the pillow and her shoulders. I run a hand along my jaw as my gaze travels down her body and grin when I find she’s wearing my shirt.

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