Page 22 of Indian Lace

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It’d been a long and worrying evening, and he needed to sleep. The Christmas showcase was this week, and he should be well rested. Three nights of behind-the-scenes mayhem, but it’d be worth it.


The curtain fell on the last show, the children went home and Seb, Dom and Ashok dropped to the floor of the stage. The show was a success, and in the process, they’d raised a shitload of money for the local LGBTQ charity that helped kids meet in a safe space. It was a charity close to their heart and one they supported every year.

“So, that’s done for another year,” Dom said, managing to stand. “I’m fucking knackered, and we’ve still got to tidy all this away.”

Ashok looked around at the mountain of costumes still lying on every conceivable surface. They’d be here a while when all he wanted to do was go home to bed. A moment later, Joe and Jacob walked in carrying beer and pizza, closely followed by Hayden carrying a bag.

“The guys were stopping for pizza. I knew you weren’t a fan, so I stopped off at the local Indian takeaway.” He handed it to Ashok, looking sheepish and blushing, the tips of his ears pink. “There’s some sparkling water in there too.”

Ashok was touched that he’d done that for him. He’d have eaten the pizza and there was water in the tap, but this was sweet of him.

They sat on the floor, and Ashok peeled back the lid from this takeaway container. The smell was delicious, and he breathed in deeply, savouring the fragrance of ginger and cumin.

“Vegetable curry with basmati rice. I hope it’s OK,” Hayden said, handing him a fork. “You’ll need this too.”

“It smells really good. Do you want some?” Ashok felt it right to offer.

“I have my own, thanks. I just hope it’s as good as the ones you cook.”

Ashok looked around the room, conscious of their conversation, but no one was listening. He was usually a very private person but he was starting to feel a little more relaxed around Seb and Dom. They had a way of making him feel at ease, and even with Hayden, he was comfortable.

The talk was invariably about the show, all of them laughing and joking about how it had gone. One of their students, Luke, had stolen the show. He was exuberant and enthusiastic and gave every dance he was in his absolute all. The audience loved him, and he loved them in return.

Ashok loved to see it and wished he’d had that confidence as a young boy to do what he did. Luke was made for the stage and, at just twelve, could easily make it.

“So, Ashok. How did you find your first Snowball Showcase?” Ashok hadn’t had much to do with Joe, but he seemed like a really nice guy. He and Seb were well-matched and clearly in love.

“It was a surprise!” They all laughed, but Ashok really didn’t have another word for it. “The kids were great, and the older dancers are really good. I mean, really talented. You’ve a great studio. No wonder you have a waiting list.”

“I think my public kidnapping had something to do with it,” Seb said, reaching for Joe’s hand.

Ashok knew a little about it but didn’t have the confidence to ask for the details, but he didn’t think it was just that.

Dom was an internationally acclaimed pole dancer, having won global competitions. Natalia and Louis had gone on to be Broadway stars with their dance show. The studio had a good pedigree, and Ashok was honoured to have been chosen to teach there. He knew he’d not had a lot of practice teaching, but Seb and Dom had both been impressed with him, so he’d take that.

“I think you have a reputation,” he said, and Dom looked at him, his eyebrows raised.

“Not a bad one. I don’t mean that.” Ashok went all hot and bothered. Shit! That’s not what he meant at all. “I mean, you have a great reputation; that’s what brings the students in.”

“Glad you added that on,” Dom said. “We might have had to rethink our decision.”

Jacob batted him on the arm, and Hayden reached for him too.

“Hey, don’t be mean,” Hayden said. “Ashok’s a great asset.”

“I was kidding. Jeez, where’s your sense of humour?” Dom rubbed his arm. “That hurt, Jacob. I thought you loved me.”

He stalked on all fours towards his boyfriend, making kissy noises.

“I do love you, baby,” Jacob said, “but you have to play nice, else you’ll be back to teaching ballet and you know how you hate that.”

Dom sat back on his heels and turned to Ashok. “That is an excellent point. You, my friend, are an outstanding dancer, and we’re actually really pleased you agreed to join us.”

They went back to eating and soon had it all finished, none of them now wanting to move.

“We should have cleared up before we ate. Now I don’t want to do anything.” Hayden lay on his back, his knees bent. His shirt rode up, revealing a strip of freckled skin, and Ashok couldn’t help but look. He felt his face redden and hoped no one had noticed.
