Page 25 of Indian Lace

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“No, Hayden. I’m really not. Maybe I should just go home, back to London.” He turned to look at Hayden, weariness clouding his face. “I thought this move would be a good thing, but now I’m not so sure.”

Hayden wet his hands and did the same to Ashok’s before lathering them with soap, washing them gently.

“There,” he said, drying them with a towel. “Now let’s get you back to bed. You’ve had your pain meds, and you need to rest.”

It was a slow process getting Ashok back into the bed, but they managed it, step by step, Ashok leaning heavily into his side.

“I’ll just be in the little room. If you need anything, just shout. I’ll hear you.”

He turned off the light and left, making his way down to his room.

“Thank you, Hayden,” Ashok called out, and Hayden smiled to himself before getting ready for bed. It had been a long day for him too.


Hayden woke several times in the night, listening for Ashok, but there was no sound. He got up a couple of times and sneaked a look through the door. Ashok looked peaceful, no sign of pain on his gorgeous face. He still couldn’t get over how perfect he was—flawless skin, long dark eyelashes that swept his cheek as he blinked, soft black hair. Why was he noticing these things now?

Attraction. There was no other explanation, and if he was honest with himself, he’d been drawn to him since the moment he’d set eyes on him in Seb’s studio. He just wasn’t sure what to do about it, if anything at all. Ashok seemed so out of reach.

He checked his phone. It was already seven thirty, and Angela would be opening the shop as usual. He couldn’t go in today and leave Ashok on his own, though. It was Wednesday too, farmers market day, and they’d likely be busy. He had Bonnie; she could cover, and he could call one of the other part-time girls. That would work. He called Angela and explained the situation, telling her he’d call Scarlett, that she’d likely come in to cover his shift.

Hayden would drop in last thing to cash up as he usually did. Leaving Ashok for an hour would be fine, just not all day.

“I don’t think I’ve ever known you to take a day off,” Angela said.

“I’ve had days off before. What are you talking about?” Hayden was sure he had.

“If you say so, but never for another guy. Even when you lived with Matty, you didn’t take random days off.”

“I can’t leave Ashok on his own. He can barely stand, let alone walk, and there’s no one else he can turn to. He has no family here.”

“Ah, the good Samaritan strikes again,” Angela teased.

“Don’t call me that. I’m just helping a friend in need.” He hated when she called him a good Samaritan. He was far from it.

“If you need anything, let me know. I’d best go see if he’s awake. I’ll call you later.”

He ended the call and crept quietly to his bedroom, not wishing to wake Ashok, a glass of water and more painkillers in his hand.

Ashok was stirring, not asleep but not quite awake either. The covers of the bed had slipped down, revealing a trim, toned torso. He must have removed his shirt in the night, but Hayden could still see the band of his shorts. At least he hadn’t removed those. That could have proved embarrassing. He thought he glimpsed a sliver of blue lace, but he must have imagined it.

He was about to leave and let him sleep when Ashok opened his eyes, panic setting in.

“It’s OK, just me with your medication. You need to take some more. How’s the pain?”

Hayden stepped further into the room, handing the pills over to him as Ashok attempted to sit. Hayden went to help, but Ashok frowned at him, warning him off.

“I’ll make you some tea, but you should rest today. Remember what the doctor said.”

“You need to go to work. I’ll be alright on my own.” From the pain on his face, Hayden knew he wouldn’t, and he’d hate that he was taking the day off.

“I’m not going in today. I’ve already spoken to Angela. A couple of the girls will go in to cover my shift. I’ll go in and cash up as usual. It’s no big deal.”

“It’s your livelihood, Hayden. You can’t just take random days off.”

“I can do what I want. I’m the boss, remember? Now, be a good boy and take your pills.” Hayden wasn’t sure what he said, but Ashok froze. A terrified look on his face.

“What’s wrong?” He reached to touch Ashok’s forehead, and he backed away, scrambling further up the bed out of his way.
