Page 36 of Indian Lace

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By lunchtime the following day, they were packed and ready to go.

“Don’t leave it too long, Hayden,” his mum said as she gave him a hug. “Find someone reliable to run the coffee shop so you can come back more often. We’ll come visit as soon as we can, but it’ll be all systems go as we get into spring. Everyone loves ice cream.”

“I won’t, Mum, I promise. We’d best go, though. I’m opening up tomorrow, and I want to have an early night too. Ash is off for a couple more days, but he still needs to stay off that foot for a while longer.”

They both looked over to where Ash was fussing over Quinn, a huge grin on his face as the dog licked it.

“He seemed to enjoy himself these past few days, but he didn’t mention his family.”

Hayden wasn’t sure what to say. Ash didn’t talk about them and, to his knowledge, hadn’t even contacted them while he’d been away.

“I don’t know. He doesn’t talk much about them, if at all. He mentioned a while back that his mum taught him to cook, but other than that, I don’t know anything about them or him.”

“Well, make sure you look after him.” She kissed his cheek, giving him another squeeze before letting him go.

“You ready?” he shouted over to Ashok.

Ashok stood and limped towards him, still smiling as Quinn ran next to him.

“Dianne. Thank you so much for putting up with me. I’ve really enjoyed these past few days.” His mum pulled him for a hug as she usually did. No one got to leave without one, regardless of who they were.

“It was our pleasure, and we’d love to see you again. You’re always welcome here, anytime.” She held him close, and Hayden watched as she whispered something in his ear, Ashok nodding as she did so.

He watched the exchange with interest, sensing a sadness within Ashok, and wasn’t at all surprised to see him wipe his eyes as he moved from her embrace.

Someone so young shouldn’t have to be so sad.

They said goodbye to his dad and Vic, tears flowing freely. She hated when he left, and he disliked leaving her just as much. He missed her, and as much as they Facetimed, it was never enough.

They climbed in the car with promises to see each other soon, and he fought his own tears as they drove away.

“Your family’s great, Hayden, and Vic is so funny. Thanks for inviting me. It definitely beat staying on my own in the house. I’d have just eaten noodles and binge watched more tv.”

“They loved you,” Hayden said. “Especially Vic. She will either love you or hate you. There’s no in-between with her.” Hayden peered over at Ashok. He looked happier than he’d seen him since he moved to Chester.

“Are you opening the shop tomorrow?”

“I am. I can’t afford to take any more time off. Just shutting for a couple of days costs me, but I need this time away. Time to just come home and decompress.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you look so relaxed. It was nice to see.” Ashok was relaxing in the passenger seat, his feet up on the seat. “How long until we’re home?”

“A couple of hours, maybe? We’ll be home mid-afternoon. Have a nap if you want; I’ll wake you when we get there.”

Ashok closed his eyes, and Hayden turned back to the road, fiddling with the radio until he found a station he liked. He sang quietly as he drove, not wishing to wake him. Only close family knew how much he loved to sing. He didn’t think Seb or Dom knew, but he had no problem singing in front of Ashok. There was just something about him that brought out his playful side.

He pondered what would happen once they got home. How their relationship would pan out. Would Ashok want to carry on, or was it destined to have been a few days of stolen kisses? Never more than that.

For the past few weeks, his feelings towards Ashok had gone from outright hostility to lust in the blink of an eye. He’d found him attractive from the off, but past events in his life had given him reason to be cautious with his feelings.

He was struggling with how he was even going to start to explain to Ashok what the past Hayden was like, but if they were going to make a go of it, he needed to.

The snow that had been coming down at his parents’ place had slowed to a light flurry. It was rare to get snow living where they did, being so close to two rivers. There was no snow on the ground, but it was cold, just below freezing. He’d have to make sure Jerome was OK and maybe introduce him to Ashok. He’d noticed him avoid the room, even give it a wide berth, and if he was staying, he’d be sure to move Ashok into Jerome’s room. It was unfair for him to squeeze into a room just about big enough for a single bed.

He made good time and pulled up outside his house just after two p.m. Ashok stirred, a gentle moan leaving him.

“Ash, we’re home.” He reached across and touched his knee. “Wake up, sleepy head.”
