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And right now, my only true feeling was that I wanted to tackle Rush right onto the bed and have my way with him.

“Boys! Come on back and help get this grill fired up!” Mom’s voice came from back in the kitchen.

“How much do you want to bet Dad forgot to get more wood pellets for his fancy grill?” Nathan said.

“I’d bet everything on it,” I told him.

“Let’s go,” he said, heading back out. As we walked out of the room, Rush walked behind me, giving my ass a squeeze—which, at this point, I’d have been disappointed if he didn’t.

But just before we got to the end of the hallway, he also leaned in behind me, pressing a little soft kiss to the back of my neck, right by my shoulder, before we emerged back out into the family room and separated again.

It was a small gesture, but that little kiss felt so warm and intimate, even compared to the thrill of him grabbing my ass.

The kiss was a reminder of the heavy, desperate intimacy we’d shared in the middle of the night at his house. The actual off-limits gestures that Rush and I had shared, because we hadn’t been able to stop ourselves. A reminder of how damn good it felt to be close with him like that.

And then my heart was beating harder again, as we walked back over to the whole family, because I knew just how uniquely screwed I was. My crush on him was back and stronger than ever. But the real problem was that I was starting to like doing anything with him. Not just looking at him, in awe of how stupidly sexy he was. Not just fantasizing about hooking up with him.

I was starting to crave every little moment we shared. The silly ones, the sweet ones, and especially the forbidden ones. And I knew I wasn’t going to want to stop.



The sweet scent of sugared cherry filled the room as Jolene pulled one of her signature pies out of the oven. We’d already feasted on grilled chicken and veggies and now it was time for dessert, complete with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top.

“No wonder your kids are all such good people,” I told Jolene. “They grew up in this household, spoiled rotten.”

“I’m not going to deny that,” Bruce said. “Nathan got the strictest parenting, but the other three? It was a free for all.”

“Thank you, Momma Jo,” I said as she passed out slices of cherry pie for all of us. I went to town on it, leaning back in my chair as we ate.

Dinner at the Wood household was just as good as I remembered it from my teenage days. Even better, actually, now that I got to look at Shawn across the table. He was getting adorably sleepier as dinner went on. He’d told us stories about the long day he had today, and now as he ate cherry pie, I watched his eyelids flutter shut with each bite.

“You okay over there, Shawn?” I asked. “Good pie, or are you falling asleep?”

“Both,” he said, looking up at me, half-lidded with a dreamy look in his eyes. “Definitely both.”

I smiled as I finished my pie, and then after finishing I sat back again, pulling out my phone.

>>Rush: You’re cute when you’re tired, you know.

I watched as he looked at his phone, biting his lower lip when he saw my text.

>>Shawn: Yeah? Well you’re cute when your cock is buried inside me.

I shifted in my seat.

>>Rush: Quit making me hard while we’re at a family function.

>>Shawn: Sorry. No filter when I’m this exhausted after this much good food.

>>Rush: No apologies necessary. Like I said, just gonna need to jerk off later.

>>Shawn: A worthy sacrifice.

I shoved my phone back in my pocket and took a deep breath. I chilled out for the next half hour, listening to more stories from Jolene and Bruce as we all were winding down after dinner. After Shawn started looking even droopier, we wrapped things up.

“I’ll drive you back,” I told Shawn.

“You don’t have to do that,” he said.

“You almost fell asleep face first into your pie,” I said. “I don’t mind taking you home.”

He rubbed at his eyes, nodding. “Fine. I won’t fight you on that one.”

We said our goodbyes and Jolene sent us home with plenty of plastic containers full of food. When we hopped in my car, Shawn looked all around.

“This car is way too fancy for Jade River,” he said.

“I love her,” I said, tapping the dashboard. “She’s my baby. You don’t like the M3?”

“All I need is a truck that can haul things,” Shawn said. “I’m not a car guy, but I know BMWs are good ones. And god damn, this seat is comfy.”

“Wait until you feel the engine,” I said. “She purrs.”
