Page 66 of Fierce-Jonah

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“We haven’t slept together yet,” he said. “Maybe I like to cuddle all night long.”

He pulled out of her and went to sit on the side of the bed. There was part of him that just felt drained and needed to go gather himself again.

“I could stay tonight if you don’t mind me getting up to go home and change before work.”

“I’d like that,” he said.

Her arms went around him to hold him in place. “Me too. Thank you. I think I like saying you’re my barbarian. You’re right. I need to not care about anyone else and only me. You. Us. You gave me exactly what I needed just now.”

He turned his head and kissed her on the lips. “I’m glad.”

“Jonah,” she said before he walked out of the bedroom.


“It’s not just right now or next week. It’s much longer. It scares me and I’m not used to feeling that way.”

“You’re not alone,” he said.


A Fine Line

“How did it go yesterday?”

Megan looked away from her computer screen to see Raina standing in the doorway of her office. “The normal,” she said.

Raina moved in and sat down in front of her desk. “I’m sorry for that. Want to talk?”

She shrugged. “Not much to say. Tom was ticked about the shorts, Abby loved them, and Emily pretty much told her husband to cut the crap. Then there were some sarcastic comments about Emily liking her wine.”

“Oh,” Raina said. “There was wine there yesterday?”

“I wish. Only beer. I would have grabbed one but didn’t want that lecture either. Sarah told me she was going to buy the shorts for Abby but I beat her to it, so that made me feel better. Sophia is isolating herself from the other kids. She says they don’t want her around.”

“That’s not nice,” Raina said.

“Sarah says it’s in Sophia’s head, but I understand both sides of it. Anyway, that wasn’t a big deal. My father was asking when I was going to get another promotion. My sisters were making comments about I’m in good shape because I haven’t had kids yet.”

“Ouch,” Raina said. “You work hard for your body.”

“I do. They don’t care. They did ask about your wedding. I showed them the pictures.”

“And?” Raina asked.

“They said I look like a child next to Jonah. My mother called him a barbarian,” she said, laughing.

“Wow,” Raina said, grinning. “That’s a bit rough.”

“She meant his size. I get it. I got defensive. Abby was making teenager remarks about his hotness. Said if he’s single I should totally go after him.”

Raina giggled. “You’ve got your niece’s approval.”

“From a sixteen-year-old it isn’t much of an approval. Her father gave her crap for it. Emily jumped in and said he was good looking too. Sarah came over to talk to me and wanted to know what was going on.”

“Did you tell her?”

“No. But she read between the lines. Said I was defensive and had a feeling I might’ve had a crush on Jonah.”
