Page 80 of Fierce-Jonah

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“We get it,” her mother said. “Tell us more about Jonah? He owns a gym?”

“It’s a successful gym,” she said. “He’s in demand. He offers a lot of services and he’s looking to open another location on top of it. He’s a great guy and I like him a lot. For once in my life, I’d like my family to stop comparing me to everyone else and accept that I know what I’m doing.”

Yep, her voice was getting loud and she knew it. She was probably being dramatic too, but she was fed up with this. It was time to put her foot down.

Before she said anything more, she stuffed her mouth full of the yummy dinner her mother put on the table for her father the minute he came home from work.

She wasn’t sure she’d ever have that life and didn’t know if she wanted it.

She sure the hell wouldn’t have it with Jonah with as much as he worked, but she liked what they had and that was all that mattered to her.

He was trying and she could say that Emily’s husband sure the hell wasn’t doing much of that in their marriage by the sounds of things.

“We only want you to be happy,” her mother said. “Right, Kevin?”

“Yes, of course,” her father said. “Tammy, don’t you think we should have him over for dinner one night and meet him?”

She knew this was the next step. “During the week is hard. He works odd hours and does a lot of personal training. His schedule is tight. But he has Sundays off for time with us. If you want to do a Sunday, he’d love to meet you.”

“Then we’ll see if we can get everyone here,” her mother said. “You know your sisters would want to meet him too.”

Again, what she figured. “Fine,” she said. “I’ll reach out to them tonight and let them know too.”

“You mean you haven’t told anyone in the family you were dating someone?” her father asked.

“No,” she said.

She wasn’t close enough to them to do it and not worry they’d run back and tell her parents. Though Sarah guessed it, she hadn’t reached out once to check in and see if it was true.

Her sisters had their own lives and she liked it that way.

Now she had to prepare Jonah for what was to come.

“Then we’ll let you tell them yourself,” her mother said. “If he is taking Sundays off for you, we can plan around a Sunday that works for everyone.”

“Fine,” she said. “Did you make dessert? I think I need it.”

She was cleaning her plate at this point. The more she ate and had food in her mouth, the less she had to talk.

“There are brownies on the counter,” her mother said. “I made them yesterday. If I knew you were going to be here and get this upset I would have made you something else. I know how much you need your dessert to soothe you when you’re upset.”

She wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. “It’s a good thing I work out as much as I do or I would have been a fat kid with all the times I needed it growing up.”

Silence greeted her again and it was for the best.


Great For Me

“Iappreciate you doing this,” Megan said to him three weeks later.

“Doing what?” he asked. “You had dinner with my family; it’s only fair I have it with yours.”

“True,” she said. “But this isn’t going to be like dinner with your family. Trust me there.”

She’d told him most of what happened after she’d informed her parents that the two of them were dating. There was part of him that knew there was more than what was said, but he got the gist of it. No reason for her to feel embarrassed.

“It’s going to be fine,” he said. “My guess is they won’t say much. Maybe your mother will be afraid I’ll turn into the Hulk and rip my shirt off.”
