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“Why are you taking her with you?” asked Patricia. “Surely, it’s not because you actuallylikethe girl. Baby-daddy got a conscience? Or are you just trying to keep your little problem in-house this time?”

“That’s inappropriate!” I didn’t mean to yell, but the words came out of me.

Patricia whistled. “That’s some temper you’ve got, Jake. Did I touch a nerve?”

“From now on,” I said, “you arenotto see Alicia. We’ll find a different doctor.”

“That’s really her choice, isn’t it?”

“When Alicia hears about you, I imagine it won’t be a hard choice.”

“We all have to make hard choices, Jake. You know that more than anyone. What choice will you make with Alicia? To fulfill your responsibilities? Or will you run from them with her too?”

I didn’t want to dignify that with a response. She’d played with me, and Alicia, for her own amusement. It sickened me to the core. So, I turned around and headed for the door. But before I left the room, I sighed and turned back.

“It’s been years since it happened, Patricia. I thought you were okay with how things turned out. I mean it was your decision. I didn’t want to force you into anything. I didn’t realize you were still holding a grudge.”

“Me? A grudge?” Patricia laughed and tossed her hair. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Jake.”

“I’ve got to go, I have a plane to catch.”

EvenusingtheHondaJetand charting our own flight path, it would be almost 9 p.m. by the time we touched down in Grand Cayman. Once we’d taken off, and the cabin crew had left, Alicia and I were alone and could finally talk. I had my cabin attendant bring us some lunch, then asked for privacy. We were all alone, with nothing but the quiet hum of the air conditioning by the time I spoke.

“Why didn’t you tell me where you were going? I was worried for you.”

“You didn’t seem worried. Jake, I waited all morning for you to call and tell me when we were leaving. You just can’t do that.”

“It’s Dr. Knightly’s fault, anyway. She had no right to bring you in for a couple of tests.”

“Jake, this may not be a big deal for you, but I’m having a child. Your child.”

I was silent when she said that. Alicia went on.

“When Dr. Knightly called me, and I was scared, okay? I didn’t know what was going to happen. She said it was really important that I come in and that I need to put my health first right now.”

“I don’t disagree with her. But I don’t think she has your best interests at heart. And I’m surprised you didn’t tell me.”

“What do you mean by that? Dr. Knightly and I get along well. I like her, Jake.”

“Alicia, she’s not…I don’t like her. I want you to see another doctor.”

“No way. You said I could see the doctor I wanted to, okay? And I like her.”

“She’s not a nice person.”

“How doyouknow? How would you even know how a nice person behaved? You’re behaving like an ass right now, Jake.”

I sighed. I couldn’t explain it to her. If I told her how I knew Patricia, and what had happened between us…there was no way I’d be able to regain her trust.

“Well, Mr. Billionaire, I wasn’t aware I had to inform you every time I went somewhere. Especially not after the way we left things in Florida …”

“How exactly did we leave things? I just want what’s best for you.”

“I’m sorry.” Our fight had stained Alicia’s cheeks with tears. “I was just really worried, Jake. I didn’t know what to do, and you weren’t there.”

I stepped out of my seat and dropped to one knee, in front of Alicia. Outside, the clouds soared and drifted past us, bathed in a brilliant sunrise.

“I promise to be there, next time. When it counts. I mean it. Come on, Alicia. Don’t cry.”
