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The voice on the other end of the phone said nothing.

“I know who you are.”

The phone line cut out, leaving a single dial tone ringing in my ear. I hadn’t been lying. I knew exactly who the person on the other end of the phone line was.

It was the mother of my firstborn son.

Thatevening,IcalledJim Jennings.

“Evening, Jim. How are things?”

“Bad. Real bad. The shareholders are already arriving.”

“Has Tom got his hooks in?”

“Almost. They’re going to a meeting with Karen Grappler now. She’s about to explain the plan for an expansion of the company.”

“I’ll bet that expansion doesn’t include me at all.”

“I’ve prepped the jet for tomorrow. Your takeoff’s at 1 p.m. Should get you in just before 2 p.m. local time.”

“Thanks, Jim. I appreciate that.”

“Hey, no worries. Where are you meeting?”

“Graves Room. Fifth floor. 3 p.m.”

“Is that the one with the balcony? Big atrium?”

“Yeah. I want you up there, Jim. Keeping an eye on me.”

“I will be, Jake.”

“I’ll see you after all this is over. Maybe I can buy you a drink.”

Jim hung up with me and I had another sleepless night ahead.

Thenextday,Igot a car to the airfield. The jet was standing there, immaculate. I wondered whether it would soon be in the hands of Tom McLaughlin as I walked toward it.

“Good morning, sir,” said Johnny from over the other side of the runway.

“Morning, Johnny,” I said. “All good?”

“We’re prepped for takeoff, Mr. Ryder. Just make yourself comfortable.”

But I was anything but comfortable as we soared into the air that day.

Chapter 21


Thatnight,Ilayawake, thinking of how I’d lost Jake. Or, more accurately, about how I couldn’t lose him. I knew I had to find out what he was up to and help him. Otherwise, I might lose him forever. Besides, I didn’t trust him to take the safest path.

I might be carrying his baby, but the truth was that I loved Jake. I’d denied it to myself for too long now, and I couldn’t deny it anymore. And to prove that love, I was willing to risk everything.

I’d already tried to follow him once and it hadn’t worked. I knew Jake was going to try to meet Tom, probably before the shareholders’ meeting. All I had to do was get to L.A. and find out where the meeting was. The only catch was that I wouldn’t be able to use a CAA flight. Otherwise, someone could be alerted to my presence.

Early that morning, I got dressed, this time in a much more presentable pencil skirt and blazer. I wanted to blend in with the crowd at CAA headquarters. I’d look like just another shareholder if I played my cards right, and I had Level 2 access to the building, which meant that, even if I wasn’t supposed to be past the second floor, I could probably find my way to wherever Jake and Tom were meeting.
