Page 58 of Dare Not

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“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Bullet chanted, squirming restlessly, his desire fueling Grace’s. She whimpered as Dare’s finger breached her ass, his other hand tightly gripping her cheek, opening her up to him.

Grace fell forward, teeth scraping my chest.

“That’s it,” Dare encouraged, his voice low and rough. “I’m going to add a second finger. Let me in, beautiful.”

I grunted at the added pressure, a bolt of lust shooting through the bond. She was close, she was definitely going to come again soon, and I didn’t think I could hold off much longer either.

“Fuck!” Bullet yelled, collapsing back against Wild’s chest as he came all over Wild’s hand.

Grace’s movements grew more erratic, her moans louder and more desperate than usual as Dare fucked her ass with his fingers.

“That’s it, Gracie,” I encouraged, gripping her thighs tight enough to leave finger-shaped bruises. “Come for us. Show us just how much you like being filled by your bonded.”

The words were for Grace, but apparently my dirty talk worked on Wild too, since he pinned Bullet in place with a heavy exhale, movements stuttering to a stop. With a final, choked moan, Grace tightened around me again, and I gave up fighting my own orgasm.

“Can you pass out from pleasure?” Grace slurred, wincing slightly as Dare withdrew his fingers, patting her butt cheek affectionately.

“Definitely,” Bullet slurred, pants pulled up but still splayed over Wild’s body like a blanket.

We were a mess. A sweaty heap of tangled limbs and labored breathing, illuminated by the crackling fire that had turned the room golden and threw off enough heat to keep Nyx’s chill away.

It was a rare moment of perfection. It couldn’t last.

Chapter 20

Nyx’sgardenappearedaroundme, only slightly less terrifying than it had been the first time I’d ended up here.

At least this time, I knew where I was. I dropped to my knees automatically, the thick velvet of the black dress I was wearing cushioning the blow. There was no doubt in my mind that Nyx knew I was here, so I bowed my head in readiness and waited.

I wanted Bullet because he always knew what to do, but me being here meant he was safe, didn’t it? Right. No matter how afraid I was, this option was better. I could be brave.

‘Do what scares you,’ he’d said, what felt like a million years ago. Like I’d always stumble into the right option, the path I needed to follow, if I was just brave enough to take the first step.

It didn’t feel brave to choose the scariest option. It felt idiotic.

“You have truly broken my connection with my Spirit of Dreams,” Nyx grumbled, appearing out of nowhere. I flopped forward clumsily, prostrating myself on the ground before her. She didn’t sound angry at least, just… curious. “I wonder if you’re an agathos at all any longer? Or are you something else?”

I opened my mouth to say of course I was still an agathos, but was I? I hadn’t used my Eutychia gift recently, hadn’t taken on any human’s mental anguish as my own. I hadn’t done anything agathos to check.

Was that what made me what I was? The gifts I had? Was being an agathos about what I could do or was it who I was?

Faced with the prospect of meeting both of the goddesses, the question suddenly seemed like a pertinent one. I was a child of Gaia, she’d made me what I was and punished me for it. And as angry as I was with Nyx, as much as I hated the actions that had brought harm to so many, without her there were no daimons. No Bullet, no Riot, no Wild, no Dare. I resented her, and I was furious withher, but my life would be lonely and miserable withoutthem.

How did I reconcile that?

“My sister and I will meet you and your bonded at the agathos sanctuary at midnight. Wake up, Grace the Agathos.”

I jackknifed upright with a gasp, waking Wild and Riot at the same time. Dare and Bullet apparently hadn’t gone to sleep yet, both sitting by the low burning fire.

“What is it?” Bullet asked, eyes wide.

“What time is it? We need to go. They’re meeting us there at midnight.” I was already scrambling out of the bed, pulling on the warmer shirt and trousers Eirene had left for me, finger combing my hair before dragging on the woolen coat, glancing at the gloves and opting to leave them off. “Get up, get up,” I insisted, grabbing Riot’s arm and tugging him out of bed.

“I’m up, I’m up,” he yawned, accepting the clothes Dare threw at him.

“It’s eleven o’clock,” Bullet said, squinting at the small clock on the mantle. “We’ll be cutting it fine.”

That got the rest of them moving. By the time we got to the bottom of the stairs, Eirene was there waiting for us, a somber look on her face.

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