Page 64 of Dare Not

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“The Isles of the Blessed in the Atlantic Ocean. There’s a mirror location in the underworld, and the isle sits somewhat between the veil. Until we can be sure which way his soul will go, that is the safest place for him.”

“Which way do you think his soul will go?” My voice was hoarse, and I hated myself a little for even asking the question. For even contemplating that this was truly the end. Tears slid down my face, and Riot and Dare pressed closer, keeping me upright.

Thanatos hesitated. “That’s above my paygrade. I can’t force him to live. The tether connecting him to this world, this life, wasyou. Your bond.”

“So we get the tether back,” Riot stated. “Re-bond. Somehow.”

Thanatos shrugged. “Find the Fates—Clotho the Spinner, Lachesis the Allotter, and Atropos the Inflexible. I have no ideahowyou’ll find them unless they want to be found, but things like bonds are under their remit. They won’t be happy that Gaia undid all their hard work.”

“I doubt the Fates care that much about our bonds,” Dare scoffed. Thanatos narrowed his eyes at him.

“You’re the new one, aren’t you? I doubt the Fates care all that much aboutyourbonds specifically, but Gaia brokeallthe bonds. That’s a lot of work on the Fates part, gone.”

“All… She brokeallthe bonds?” I repeated, horrified.

Thanatos gave me a strangely pitying look. “Release your Oneiroi to me, Prophêtis. There were many of us who hoped today would go differently. Who hoped that Mother Gaia would choose to release the Olympians and put an end to all of this madness. I am on your side, Grace the Agathos. Let me help you.”

“Can we go with him?” I asked, dreading the answer that I already knew was coming.

“You have important work to be doing here, I won’t take you.” A lead weight settled in my stomach. “Pick two others. Daimon, agathos, mortal, whatever. They will be hisphylakes—protectors, guardians, that sort of thing.”

“What will they need to do?” Riot asked suspiciously.

“Care for the flesh,” Thanatos replied, gesturing at Bullet. “It’s an honor, really. I will collect them from wherever they are on earth, transport them to the Isles where they will be completely safe from Gaia’s rage, and once their task is complete, they can return to their regular lives.”

“Is it dangerous there?” Dare pressed.

Thanatos shook his head. “It is a paradise. There is food there, no starving, desperate people. Even with the veil lifted, food is scarce. You would be doing two people a great favor.”

I was already going through everyone I knew in my head, trying to figure out who was the most trustworthy and who could go as a couple. Foster and Estrella were my first thought, but I doubted they’d want to leave the group. The kakodaimonistai would be happy to serve, but who to send?

“What about a child?” Dare asked, drawing all of our attention.

“Sure.” Thanatos shrugged. “So long as there’s someone to care for them since the Oneiroi is, you know. Indisposed.”

I shuffled further in front of Bullet, shielding him from Thanatos’ gaze.

“Dare?” Riot prompted. “What are you thinking?”

The reminder that I no longer had any idea made the hollow place where the bonds had been ache fiercely.

“Quinn,” I replied quietly. “Rogue and Quinn.”

“You’d entrust Bullet’s care to Rogue?” Riot asked dubiously.

Rogue.Rogue who’d called Riot for me at the convenience store. Whohadn’tratted Mercy out when she’d been at her home visiting Dice.

I didn’t think she was as empathetic asmydaimons, but I’d also felt a sense ofsomethingfrom her. Some kind of kinship. And provided they were both alive—which I had to believe—she’d been caring for a baby in the freezing cold and darkness for days.

“She’ll have to swear an oath of protection, if that helps you make your decision.” Thanatos’ voice was impatient as he tapped his foot irritably. We were running out of time.

“Grace?” Dare said softly, grabbing my free hand and giving it a squeeze. “I wouldn’t suggest anything that I thought would harm Bullet.”

“I know. And keeping a baby away from all of this carnage is a blessing I can’t turn down.”

Dare gave Thanatos a long look. “Will you tell us if Bullet goes to the underworld?”

My head swam. I didn’t want to acknowledge that was even a possibility. No, no, itwasn’t. Bullet wasn’t going to the underworld. Bullet was coming back.

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