Page 83 of Saving Grace

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“Aphrodite mentioned it had some relaxing properties. To make things more comfortable,” Wild offered.

I could hear Dare doing something behind me, the sound of slick movements filling the air as he tested the lube on himself, but Riot had lost his patience. He grabbed my hips roughly, bouncing me on his cock at a brutal pace while I dug my fingers into the grass, loving the way he took control.

“Slow down,” Dare commanded raspily, stroking my spine. “Oh, fuck. This feels so good. Grace, you’re going to feelamazing.”

Riot grit his teeth, forcing himself to stay still while Dare began massaging the lube teasingly around my back entrance, pressing one finger past the tight ring of muscle, making me clench around Riot’s cock.Oh, this magic lube was incredible. Dare must have been reading my reactions through the bond, because he added a second finger at the exact moment I was ready for it, dripping more lube onto my skin before adding a third finger.

“Fuck,” Riot rasped, bucking up beneath me. “That is intense. Gracie, you good? You feel like you’re doing good.”

“I’m doing very good. I want more,” I gasped, catching myself by surprise as an intense orgasm wracked my body out of nowhere. Riot and Dare held themselves admirably still as I writhed between them, letting me set the pace.

“I’m going to give you more,” Dare promised, withdrawing his fingers and settling behind me, the blunt head of his cock pushing slowly forward.

“Are you relaxing?” Wild asked, crouching down close and cupping my chin, dragging my face up to look at him.

“Oh, I am very relaxed,” I assured him, giving him a somewhat dopey smile. Bullet had moved closer too, his cheeks flushed red while he took in the cozy depravity unfolding in front of him.

Dare’s hips pressed against my ass cheeks, his breathing hard. They gave me a moment to adjust, before they moved, synchronizing themselves perfectly. Wild kept ahold of my chin, stroking my jaw occasionally with his thumb, grounding me when the avalanche of sensation threatened to wash me away.

“You look so beautiful,” Wild murmured, a litany of compliments pouring out of his mouth. I knew he was perfectly capable of filling my ears with pure filth if he was so inclined, which made the moments where he was all syrupy sweetness all the more special. “So fucking sexy like this, all relaxed and confident in your sexuality. You undo us.”

“Yeah,” Bullet agreed, his voice like sandpaper. “You’re… you’re really beautiful. That doesn’t seem like a big enough word for it.”

I tried to reply, but I was orgasming again, and it set both Riot and Dare off until we were one big, noisy, sticky, perfect mess.

There were still two very prominent empty spots in my chest, and there was a sense of feeling slightly lopsided, but I was still content. With everything we’d experienced, we’d find our way all the way back to each other in our time, and it would be perfect.

Chapter 34

“Mercy…”Harborwarned.“Youneed a break.”

“I’m fine,” I lied, my head throbbing. I’d been using my Hygeia healing gift more frequently since the world had bloomed back to life, immortals darting through the skies and popping down to visit us like it was just an entirely normal occurrence. In this new world, filled with hope, it seemed stingynotto use my gift.

Besides, Hygeia herself had appeared once while I was washing clothes in the river with no one else around.

She hadn’tsaidanything, but she also hadn’t needed to. She’d just stared in judgmental silence, and that had been enough to motivate me into using my gift more proactively.

I’d kept that information to myself though. I didn’t want Harbor to worry.

“Nope, I’m overruling you,” he announced, wrapping an arm around my waist and leading me away from the campsite. “No one is in any mortal danger. They have some scrapes and bruises at most, nothing that requires the direct intervention of a Hygeia.”

I slumped slightly against him, reveling in the feel of his strong, solid body against mine. We knew from the gods’ whispers that mortals could choose bonds for themselves now—Chance and Creed had already done it, and they were so sickeningly in love that I found it hard to believe they were the same two miserable men I’d lived with for so long in Auburn.

Of course, they weren’t happy and relaxed all of the time. While Tobin and Leon had settled in well to camp life, and were louder and more confident than I’d ever known them to be back home, they all still missed Grace. The immortals who passed through raved about her—in a slightly antagonizing way, I was pretty sure—and it reminded us all just how far away she was. How much she’d grown and changed since we’d last seen her.

I think we all wondered if Grace had outgrown her relationships with us, even if she was able to forgive us for the various ways we’d all let her down over the years.

“Felix wrote again this week, asking if I’d come and visit,” Harbor was saying, and I forced myself to focus, not realizing I’d been tuning out. Maybe I had expended a little too much of my gift healing Margaret’s migraine after all. “With the dissolution of the Basilinnas and the Elders by the original agathos, he assumed some kind of leadership position. I guess the immortals favor him? I mean, there aren’t many better options in Auburn to be fair.” He snorted. “He and Joy’s other soul bonds have, er, bonded to each other. Like in a friendship-type way? He said they’re platonic soulmates and they’re raising their kids together, and none of them have any desire to meet someone romantically after Joy.

“That’s sweet,” I said quietly, embarrassingly conscious of Harbor’s reaction.

He’d been standing next to me, as stiff as a board, when we’d heard about the new way of bonding, and he’d kept his distance for a couple of days after that. I may not know much about relationships, but I could take a hint.

He was attracted to me, but he didn’t want to permanently tie his soul to mine. I didn’t judge him for it—everyone here knew I’d been given a soul bond by the gods and I’d betrayed him and run away. I wasn’t exactly reliable partner material.

And while I wanted Harbor to myself, I’d be lying if I said I was entirely comfortable with the idea of a bond. There was a niggling voice in the back of my mind that askedwhat about Dice?every time I considered it.

“Let’s go lie down,” Harbor murmured.
