Page 85 of Saving Grace

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“I’m good,” I assured him, rolling my shoulders. “Hephaestus dropped by with an olive press; he was showing Dare and me how to use it for when the olives are fermented, or whatever.”

It had been a month of this. The Olympians rarely left the upperworld because there was so much restoration to be done, and every community needed something, and there were still scorpions on the loose. Besides, they had to reestablish their presence among mortals, so it was a good thing that they were willing to get their hands dirty.

Wild flopped down on the ground, whipping off his shirt to cool down, and my mouth went dry as the dirt had been when I’d arrived back in this realm. He’d bulked up over the past couple of weeks, and I could have stared at his pecs and arm muscles for hours and never gotten bored.

I did my best to discreetly memorize the sight of him leaning back on his hands, head tipped up to the sky, eyes closed, for later when I was alone with my hand again.

“Don’t be shy,” Wild drawled, lips twitching slightly, his eyes still shut. “Look your fill, I don’t mind.”

“I wasn’t looking,” I replied instantly, face growing hot after I’d been busted checking him out. I wasn’t even entirely sure why—both he and Grace had made it clear that the power was in my hands.

“Yeah, you were.” Wild’s voice practically dripped with arrogance, and I discreetly adjusted myself in my light linen pants that hid nothing. “And I fucking loved it. Look. Touch. Better yet, tell me you’re ready for more and let me touchyou.”

I blew out a shaky breath, my legs trembling slightly as I lowered myself to the ground next to him. Wild had opened his eyes, watching every movement, and I felt a bit like a fluffy bunny caught in the gaze of a wolf.

And it made me super fucking aroused, so I don’t know what that said about me but I wasn’t going to question it too hard.

“You can touch me.” I mentally patted myself on the back for sounding so cool and calm when I was all but panting on the inside.

Wild cocked an eyebrow, twisting his upper body to face me. He was that much taller, and the movement had him sort of looming over me in the best kind of way. I chanced a quick glance around, making sure we were still alone, and finding the field empty. I didn’t care if Grace, Riot, or Dare approached, but I was still finding my feet around the others.

“There’s no one here,” Wild assured me. “Riot is giving Quinn her dinner, and Dare was on his way to wash up when I passed him on the way out here. You know what that means, though.”

“Grace will come looking for us soon?” I asked hopefully, my cock growing painfully hard at the thought of her finding us tangled up together in the dirt. Maybe even joining in…

They may have been careful not to push me, but I wouldn’t get that image of her bonding with Riot and Dare out of my head for as long as I lived.

Wild was holding himself back, watching me carefully, waiting for me to make the first move.

“There’s no rush, Bullet,” he murmured, even though he was staring at my mouth when he spoke. “We’ll wait for you as long as you need us to wait—”

I cut him off by pressing my lips to his, following my instincts. I didn’t want to wait any longer, I didn’t want Grace and Wild to keep silently wondering if I actually wanted them or if I was going to change my mind and walk away.

They needed to know they were mine. It was essential.

Wild’s tongue teased mine, encouraging me to open to him, and I was more than happy to let him take the lead. His hand wrapped around the back of my neck, supporting my head as he lowered me to the ground, his big body bearing down on mine without ever breaking the kiss. I grabbed his hip without a second thought, thrusting upwards, greedy for friction.Fuck, he was big. A noise somewhere between a groan and a gasp escaped me as Wild shifted fully over me, pinning my hips in place and grinding his cock against mine through the thin fabric of our trousers.

Wild trailed kisses down my jaw, my neck, teeth scraping at the junction of my neck and shoulder. “So fucking responsive. Soprettywhen you’re losing your mind, desperate to come. Don’t you agree, darling Grace?”

My eyes flew open, finding Grace standing over us with her teeth sinking into her lower lip, cheeks flushed the prettiest shade of dark pink.

“You going to roll around in the dirt with us?” he teased, flashing her a seductive smirk before making me choke on my breath with a well-timed roll of his hips.

He was really good at this.

“I don’t know,” Grace replied, dropping to her knees a foot away. “You twodomake a pretty picture…”

“Bullet?” Wild prompted, nipping at my ear. “What do you want?”

“The bond,” I replied instantly, startling all three of us. It was the truth though. I wanted it more than I wanted my memories, more than I wanted anything. “If you still want it,” I added hurriedly.

“So much,” Grace whispered, shuffling closer on her knees. She looked like she was about to speak, but Wild beat her to it.

“You two first.”

He rolled off me, deftly slipping behind me to lean against the trunk of the tree, and encouraging me to sit back in the V of his thighs. And then encouraging me back a little more. And thenup.

I arched my back instantly as his thick cock settled in the cleft of my ass, pleasure rocketing up my spine with each slow, subtle movement, his hands gripping my hips tightly to keep me in place.
