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"Are you ... together?" The question is out of my mouth before I can think better of it.

"Jess and me?" Max's eyebrows rise. "No, nothing like that. Jess has been happily married to her wife for ten years."

"Oh." Heat hits my cheeks.

"Would it bother you if we were?" he asks softly.

"Yes," I admit, my mouth running ahead of my brain again.

He smirks. "Good."

I smile and shake my head. "Arrogant."

"I prefer ... confident and focused. Especially when it comes to something I want." His eyes eat me up as our gazes lock.

Aaaand, my vagina is about to spontaneously combust.

I clear my throat and squeak, "I'm surprised we haven't bumped into each other here before."

"I usually get my order to go," he replies with a quick smile.

Just then, the waitress arrives to take our order.

"Can I order for you?" Max asks. "I think I know something you'll love."

Intrigued, I nod. "Okay, but don't disappoint me."

"Never," he promises, and I suddenly have the impression we're talking about more than pastries.

Max orders, and we settle into an easy conversation about nothing and everything. We talk about our favourite movies, books, and music. I realise I've never had such a comfortable and enjoyable conversation with anyone before. Max is easy to talk to, and he seems genuinely interested in what I have to say.

"This is where I come when I want to treat myself or if I'm feeling down and need a pick-me-up." I sigh, breathing in the fresh autumn air.

He frowns and reaches across the table for my hand. "What gets you down, Eva?" he asks curiously, rubbing his thumb over the back of my hand. His eyes are intense yet soft as he looks at me. The air between us feels charged, and my heart races in my chest.

I'm surprised at the emotion that suddenly lodges in my throat. Max's touch undoes me in ways I've never experienced. "I get ... lonely sometimes since Mum died. Nobody knew me like she did. I miss her like crazy. My dad was never a part of my life, so it was Mum and me for as long as I can remember."

"You never knew your dad?"

"No." I shake my head. "Mum never spoke about him. All I know is that he was her boss. They had an affair but then she found out he was married and had two children. He wanted her to have a termination when he found out she was pregnant with me." My mouth twists wryly. "He didn't want his perfect family ruined. Mom refused. So, it was just the two of us, which was fine by me. You can’t miss what you never had."

"Jesus, that's rough," Max says, his eyes flashing. "I can't imagine not wanting to be a part of my child's life."He pauses as he looks at me. "Is that why you don't date co-workers? Because of your mum and her boss?"

I shrug. "That's part of it."

He frowns. "Part of it?"

"I don't date, full stop," I admit self-consciously.

Max's hand tightens on mine. "Why?"

"It's just never been a priority. Besides, believe it or not, I've always been a bit shy and introverted. I've just learned to hide it well. I found it hard to make friends as a kid and always waited for other people to make the first move. When Mum died, I was determined to do her proud. She taught me to work hard, take pride in my achievements, and believe that one day I’d be rewarded for my hustle. Losing her young made me grow up fast and gave me a solid work ethic. I’m proud of my accomplishments and that I’ve paid my way and established my independence without needing to rely on anyone else. I have a roof over my head, a job I love, and a cat who occasionally barfs all over the carpet." I chuckle. "I’ve come a long way since I started working at Sutherlands. It's helped to bring me out of myself, and I love meeting so many different people from all walks of life. I have a lot to thank Sutherland's for. The company scholarship saw me through university, and the job itself has helped to build my confidence and manage my social anxiety. I try to pay it forward every day by making each customer feel cared for."

"You're fucking incredible," Max says softly, his gaze intent on mine.

I blow at a shaky breath. Seated in this outdoor courtyard with the afternoon hustle-and-bustle around us, it's easy to imagine we're on a real date. Maybe in some European city like Paris or Venice.

"So, what about you?" I ask, leaning forward and resting my elbows on the table. "Have you always been in retail?"
