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We both fall quiet as we peruse the menu.

"What the fuck?" Seb mutters, reading the food selection. "I had my heart set on Hereford rib on the bone with stilton hollandaise sauce, but all they’re offering is Indonesian rijsttafel with beef rendang. Or Peruvian sea bass ceviche? What the fuck is ceviche?"

I shake my head. "Roasted arse-cheek on toast for all I know."

“Pacific Ocean black cod fillet with a manuka honey reduction and mushroom foam. Mushroom foam? The photo looks like a pile of snot on a plate. A very small pile of snot, at that,” he says, tipping the menu on its side as if that will help him decipher the photograph.

"Whatever happened to a good ol' fashioned dirty cheeseburger and chips?"

Seb closes his eyes with a groan. "If there’s one thing you English do well, it’s fish and fries. Do you remember that pub we went to in the Cotswolds? The Swan? They served the best battered fish, fries, mushy peas, and tartare and curry sauce in the world.”

"I can’t help you with the fish and chips, but I know a place around the corner from here. Best burgers this side of the Thames," I suggest.

Seb casts his eyes around the restaurant. "Wanna make a break for it while no one's looking?"

I grin. "Fuck, yeah."

We each toss a few hundred-dollar bills on the table and sneak out like naughty schoolboys.

* * *

We endup at Bob's Burgers, a small, unassuming joint with red vinyl booths and greasy burgers that drip down your chin. It's exactly what we need after the stuffiness of the fancy restaurant.

We both order the double cheeseburger and fries and devour every bite. As we sit back, groaning in satisfaction, I realize how grateful I am for Seb's friendship. Even though we may not see each other often, the bond between us can't be broken by distance or time.

"You know," Seb says, wiping his mouth with a napkin. "I think I may have a solution to your Sutherland's problem."

I raise an eyebrow, intrigued. "Go on."

"What if you made Eva the store manager? You said it yourself, she's smart and capable. And from what you've told me, she's passionate about the store and wants to see it succeed. Who better to lead Sutherland's than someone who's invested in it, both emotionally and professionally?"

I give him an assessing look. "Funny you should say that."

Seb grins. "Knew you would've already considered it."

"Considered and disregarded it."

He frowns. "Why?"

"Two reasons. First,Eva needs to know she's been promoted on her own merit, not because she's friends with the boss. And second, I need grounds to dismiss Gerald. The guy's a shitbag, but he's a clever shitbag. He skates the line in terms of his attitude, so I have nothing substantial to pin on him."

"Okay, so when it comes to Eva, you make it clear that she has to go through the interview process along with any other candidates who apply for the position. You put everything in the hands of a recruitment agency, and if she's the right person for the job, which we both know damn well she is, she'll know she's earned it rather than having it handed to her. Hell, sounds like she's already earned it, but this just makes the whole process impartial."

I consider his words. "I don't know, Seb. What if things don't work out between us? It could ruin everything."

"Or it could be the best thing that's ever happened to both of you," he counters. "Look, I'm not saying it's a foolproof plan. Are there legal safeguards to move her out of the role if she doesn’t work out? I can help you with that or recommend an English lawyer to handle it. The final decision would still lie with you, but it is a possibility worth considering. If nothing else, it will show Eva that you value her skills and contribution to the store."

I nod slowly, knowing he's right. Seb's idea could also be the solution to all my problems. Whatever decision I make will have a huge impact on both my personal and professional life. But for the first time since I told Eva who I was, I'm hopeful. Hopeful that there may be a way to regain Eva's trust and that Sutherland's will be more successful than ever with her at the helm.

"Dealing with the shitbag will be tricky. If he's not fulfilling his duties as store manager, he's entitled to verbal and written warnings unless you can prove he's broken company policy. If not, you could find yourself facing a lawsuit for unfair dismissal. If it were me, I'd be watching him carefully and making detailed notes about his movements and actions. But in my experience, if he's the asshole you say he is, chances are it won't be long before he shoots himself in the foot. And you know I'm always on the end of a phone if you need legal advice."

I nod, grateful to have Seb on my side. "Thanks for the advice, buddy. I appreciate it."

"Anytime, bro," Seb says, clapping me on the back. "Now, let's go find some dessert. A good friend of mine owns a patisserie down the street that stays open late and sells pastries to die for."

I chuckle, knowing he's referring toCaramel y Chocolat.

We leave Bob's Burgers behind, our conversation and laughter carrying us forward.
