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"He's waiting in the lobby. I'll take you to him," I say, keeping my expression neutral.

We pass Max and another man dressed in a smart suit as Gerald follows me towards the lifts. I give Max a slight nod and watch as the two men discreetly make their way to Gerald's office.

Gerald and I step into the lift and ride down in silence. He seems jittery and shifts his weight from one foot to the other. It's satisfying to see him squirm a little. The lift pings and the doors swish open. We walk to the waiting area in the lobby, but there's no one there.

"Where is he?" Gerald asks with a frown, looking around.

"I'm not sure," I say innocently, knowing full well Mr Wright was never here in the first place. The police called him early this morning, and he's down at the station answering a few questions. "Maybe he got tired of waiting and left."

"Oh. Well, I'll call him as soon as I get back to my office," he says, looking relieved.

"So, did you give any more thought to my offer of dinner?" he asks as we ride back up in the lift.

Seriously? Is he fucking joking?

"My answer is the same as last time, Gerald," I say lightly.

"Right. You don't date co-workers." He pauses, his watery-blue eyes meeting mine. "So why are you fucking Max Lincoln?"

"I ...What?"

Gerald nods. "Saw you arrive with him this morning, looking very loved-up, the two of you.

He reaches out, hits the stop button, and takes a few steps towards me.

I retreat until my back hits the lift wall. “Um… Gerald, what are you—"

“What's so special about him?” he asks, advancing further. He's not a big guy like Max, but he's tall and wiry and no doubt stronger than me.

“My personal life is none of your—"

"None of my business, I know," he sneers. "But I'm curious what makes a woman like you open her legs for a man like him. It can't be money because Max Lincoln earns a pittance compared to me."

Okay, this issonot how this was meant to go. "You just answered your own question, you moron. It's not about money or status. It's about what's inside. It's about treating people with respect, something you wouldn't understand. You're just a pathetic excuse for a man, trying to intimidate a woman by trapping her in a lift because threatening her is the only way you'll ever get her undivided attention."

I jump as Gerald slams a hand on the wall next to my head. "Be careful, Eva. I can make this job a living hell for you."

My heart hammers in fear, but damned if I'll let him see. "Do your worst, arsehole."

I duck under his arm and hit the button to get the lift moving again. Bending, I pull off my stiletto and brandish it at him. "Lay one finger on me, and I'll—"

I yelp as his hand flashes out, and he knocks my shoe from my grasp.

He backs me up against the wall again. "You'll what, Eva? Tell your boyfriend? I can do whatever I like to you in here, and it would be your word against mine."

Jesus Christ, how did I not see how unstable this man was before now? And surely this is the longest lift ride in history? I'm surprised we're not bursting through the top of the building like the lift in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. This whole scenario certainly seems just as surreal.

“You're right, Gerald,” I say in a soft voice, trying to pacify him.

A sickening smirk splits his face as he tucks a lock of hair behind my ear. “I've always looked out for you, Eva, and I'll continue to, so long as you behave."

Nausea roils in my stomach. I try to jerk away from him, but Gerald wraps his hand around my throat. A whimper forces its way past my lips. Gerald has lost the plot along with any awareness of where we are and what he's risking. He increases the pressure on my throat, and I panic, clawing at his hand.

The lift pings and the doors slide open.

Thank God!

I open my mouth to force a scream for help when a roar like a wild animal reaches my ears. A second later, Gerald is ripped backwards and tossed to the ground.
