Page 119 of One More Night

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Well.” Alice peers up from a stack of papers on her desk through our video call. Her mouth sets in a grim line that puts me on edge almost more than the turbulence of the red-eye flight I’m on. “It’s not what they wanted.”

In the privacy of the first-class cabin, I adjust myFuturoairlines-issued blanket over my lap as I wait for the bad news.

I knew this story wouldn’t be what the publisher expected, but I also know what people want when they click on one of our articles or pick one of our magazines up from the corner store—and I damn well delivered.

“But it’s being sent for print tomorrow,” she says, shocking the hell out of me.

“For real?” I bring the phone closer to my face. “Like, for real, for real?”

Three days ago, I left paradise for my home in Chicago, and I spent the entire plane ride home preparing for a meeting with Alice. I carefully weighed my options about whether I should come clean to her or not, but I kept coming back to Penelope, Cat, and even Sparrow, and their unwavering friendships.

Alice took me under her wing at twenty-one years old. She showed me the ropes, taught me everything I know, and stuck her neck out for me multiple times while I was on the island. Most importantly, she believed in me when I had no one else.

So, while I didn’t reveal Marcus’s deepest secrets to her during our meeting that day, I did dish out every scandalous detail of our time together—down to the very last orgasm. I may have even cried a bit when she yanked me into the kind of hug only a true friend can give before I told her my plan to win him over.

“I mean, I still think a tell-all would have been amazing, but the ‘Nothing to fear but fear itself’ Roosevelt line was a nice touch.” She inspects the story one last time before spreading the papers out on her desk. “People like raw, emotional, and gritty. You’ve given them that, no doubt. Though, I could have lived my whole life without knowing your affinity for bondage.”

I smirk, blushing hard while fiddling with the corner of my printed copy. Alice isn’t just my editor—she’s my friend. Which is why the decision I made was incredibly difficult, no matter how necessary.

“Alice, there’s something I need to tell you.”

That gets her attention, but Christ on a cracker, I’m already sweating.


“No,” she interrupts.

Blinking at her, I pull my earbud out, check that there’s nothing clogging it, and then place it back in my ear. “Excuse me?”

“There’s no way in hell you’re quitting on me.” She leans in and lowers her voice. “I swore I wouldn’t out your secret love affair, but that doesn’t give you permission to leave. It’s you and me, baby. We’re the A-Team, and we always will be.”

“Alice, come on. We both know that, regardless of what happens with Marcus, I’m done with celebrity news. I just don’t have it in me anymore.”

Her penciltaps, taps, taps. “You’re really putting in your notice?”

I nod, having already scheduled interviews with two separate travel magazines this week.

“Well, that’s too bad. Because my request to have you take over theLiving and Travelsection is being approved as we speak.”

My jaw damn near drops. “You didn’t.”

“I did.” It’s her turn to smirk. “And the position is remote. You can work anywhere you want on the condition you return for each quarterly meeting.”

“Thank you, Alice,” I breathe, stunned and grateful beyond belief.

“You’re welcome.” She blows me a kiss before leaving me with, “Don’t screw this up, Sinclair.”

We hang up and I slump back in my seat, clutching the papers to my chest.

“No way.” A beautiful brunette flight attendant stops abruptly at my seat. She pokes her head inside my space, getting a better look at me. “Heather?”

It takes a second, but then I remember her. She’s the chick who almost body-slammed me in the lobby of the Double Palm before I found out where Marcus was going for rehab. Except, she wasn’t near as happy then as she appears to be now.

“Kate. You work forFuturo?”

“Yes! I can’t believe this.” A thousand-watt smile beams at me, and then she gasps, “Oh, my gosh. Did you ever nail your story on the vampire hunter?”
