Page 76 of One More Night

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“We totally are.” He walks me backward with each progressive step. “I was just thinking we should make up a best friend handshake.”

“You’ve lost your damn mind.” I trip through a pile of twigs. “And will you stop looking at me like that?”

Eyes sparking with determination, he scoops me up under my shoulders and knees, bride-and-groom style, then whistles for Sparrow to get out of the river.

Water sloshes around his ankles as I screech, “What the hell are you doing?”

“We’re going for a swim.” There’s a whole lot ofduhin his tone that I don’t appreciate one bit. “One dip,” he follows up sternly. “If you get the slightest bit panicked, I promise to get you out.”

“I think this goes without saying,bestie, but you’re entirely too bossy.”

His delight is nearly as palpable as that sexy grin. “You should see me in the bedroom.”

I smack his pec, biting the inside of my lip.

I’ve already gotten a taste of his bedroom authority, haven’t I?

Marcus made it clear he wouldn’t be refuting any misconceptions I may have of him. But what remains unclear is where exactly that leaves us.

If we were friends, I would feel guilty for writing a tell-all article about Marcus and his family, and I, for sure—without a trace of doubt—do not.

Big, fat liar.

But even if I somehow didn’t write the story, with our feuding careers, friendship is off the table. And there’s no chance he’d willingly jump in the sack with me when he uncovers my dirty little secret.

Cool water laps at my bottoms, forcing a lid on my errant thoughts.

My nails score his shoulders, but with a wink, he assures me, “Don’t worry. I won’t drop you if you pass out.”

“My hero,” I say dryly, earning a sexy, throaty laugh.

Waking up nightmareless for the first time since staying in Augustine has made facing my greatest fear seem reasonable. But now that it’s happening, all the confidence I mustered this morning shrivels in my veins.

“Maybe his wasn’t a good idea,” I whisper, fighting memories of Jeremy attempting to drown me. His angry face flashes across my mind like a strobe light, and I begin to hyperventilate. “I-I don’t think I can do this.”

My teeth chatter as Marcus pivots in the direction of the shore, but my relief is short-lived the moment he opens his mouth. “I’m not letting you give up your mission.”

“I’m scared.”

“I know,” he says, rubbing his thumb between my shoulder blades in tiny, comforting circles. “Why don’t you try standing so you’re more in control?”

Sweat beads across my brow, and my brain fogs with dizziness when he sets me down. I cling to his biceps while securing my footing over the smooth, oval rocks and watch as the clear water laps up my calves.

Already, my vision starts to tunnel.

“Focus on my voice. Don’t let your mind wander.” Marcus gently spreads my fingers over his sternum. “Stay with me, Heather.”

His heart steadily pounds against my palm.

Lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub.

I close my eyes and count the beats until I’m able to look up from the rainbow rocks beneath our feet.

Keeping his voice firm but quiet, he says, “Good. Now take a step.”

My belly leaps and rolls as I follow his lead. He walks backward, guiding me by the hand, but never once taking his eyes off me. When the water hits the middle of my trembling thighs, and I don’t vomit, I beam up at him.

The corners of Marcus’s eyes crinkle with a mixture of mirth and pride. “See if you can go a little farther.”
