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“No,” I told her, shaking my head. “You’re not the pawn here. You’re the queen.”

I reached across my desk behind her, not releasing her by even an inch as I slid my hand over my sharp letter opener—useful as both a weapon and an office tool. I met her eyes as I pressed the tip into my palm, barely wincing as I drew a small line of blood. I passed the blade to her, and she gripped it in one hand.

She narrowed her eyes and gridded her teeth, cutting a small slice on her palm, too. She tossed the blade behind her and showed me her palm. “I swear with my blood that I will always defend your people. I will be true to you and your people, and I will not betray you from now until my last day. So long as you don’t betray me, I will be loyal in return.”

I noticed her addition, and I could respect that she had the foresight to add the sentence. “I won’t betray you,” I told her. “And I accept you as a loyal employee to my family and me.” I grabbed her palm and held it between us, bringing her lips back to mine with more ferocity than before. The trust that the oath gave was enough to let down all my barriers as I tore her shirt from her and felt every inch of her skin that I could get my hands on. Maybe I couldn’t use her as a pawn in my game. I couldn’t kill her to get back at her father. But this may have been better than any of those plans.

She was my wife, and I wondered if that title was more than something to wield against her and control her. It felt like it was starting to take the role of something more traditional. My cock was rock-hard as she touched me in return, and I groaned as she reached between my legs and gripped me through my pants, working her thumb over me and biting my lip in tandem.

I may not have killed her, but I certainly took the only leverage her father had. I took his daughter, and he would never be able to use her again. If that was all the revenge I could get, I didn’t give a fuck. I had the prize, and Pete Genovese wouldn’t get her back. “I’m going to fuck you so hard,” I told her, gripping the base of her hair and tipping her head back. I left nipping kisses up her throat and bit just hard enough that I drew a gasp from her. “And when we’re done, you’re not going to remember your name.”



I allowed his mouth to course over every inch of skin he’d stripped bare. I arched and cried out, but his mouth didn’t stop. It didn’t slow. This wasn’t a fast fuck. It wasn’t hateful or loathing as it’d been before. I didn’t feel conflicted about letting him fuck me and enjoying it. This time, I allowed myself the pleasure of his sensual touches. I allowed his lips to trace up my inner thigh and toward my navel. I embraced his fingers teasing me between my legs as he roughly turned me and positioned my hands on the desk in front of me. I shuddered as he kicked my legs apart and pressed his hard cock between them. But he didn’t fuck me yet. This was so, so different, and I pressed back into him, trying to convince him to take me right here. Right now.

“Patience,topo,” he whispered, nipping the back of my bare shoulder blade as he moved a hand beneath my arm and up my center. He paused at my breasts, taking a detour and kneading my nipples. It sent sharp sparks of pleasure so deep into my core that I couldn’t help but cry out at the sensation. “I know what you want, and I plan to give it to you.”

“Now,” I demanded. His hand moved upright more, and his fingers lingered at my throat, resting there as if to say that he had control of the situation. As if to say he was the sole one in control. “You think you can scare me into submitting, but I think you’ve learned that’s not the case,” I told him, moving a hand back and grabbing his cock tightly in my palm.

“If I wanted to scare you, you’d be scared,” he assured, his fingers tightening around my throat enough to attempt to prove his point.

I surprised him, though. I released a long moan as I ground into him and stroked him. He stiffened, and I continued. With his other hand, he stroked between my legs, and my moaning only intensified. The feeling of him dominating me and doing whatever he wanted sent sparks of thrill through me.

“You like this,” he stated with a chuckle, giving my neck a small squeeze as he plunged a finger into me. I cried out loudly.

“Yes,” I whispered as he continued his sinful assault on me. I didn’t think there was a thing this man could do to me that I wouldn’t like. “I want it all. I want you to do whatever you want to me, Vincent. Please.”

“Jesus fuck,” he groaned, pulling me into his chest firmly. He had me pinned in every way as he finger-fucked me hard, stretching me and obliterating me with every thrust. He gripped my throat hard enough that I knew he wanted me to feel his control, and the intensity of my orgasm flooded through me all at once, making me a jerking mess of moans and cries.

At once, he released me, lowering me onto the floor and grabbing my wrists in one hand. He pinned them above my head as he gripped himself and thrust into mehard.“Fuck me harder, Vincent,” I begged as he thrust so hard that my entire body jerked with the force of it. I took every inch of him inside of me, moaning and shouting with the pleasure that each motion brought from me.

“You were made for me,” he said, pounding into me with enough intensity that another orgasm built within me. Another burst of pleasure brought me so close to the edge that I knew I was seconds from tipping over it again. “Open your eyes.” I hadn’t realized they’d been closed until I forced them open and met his gaze. The intensity of the moment swam in his eyes as intensely as it did in mine. All the ruggedly handsome lines on his face echoed the same longing I knew I’d find in my own. The gaze swept me over the edge, and I plummeted into another orgasm, shaking and shouting with it as he pounded into me again and again.

He dipped his head and captured a nipple in his mouth, sucking it between his teeth. A pang coursed through me, only intensifying the pleasure I already felt for him. “Oh God,” I cried out as his mouth moved to the other breast, repeating the same steps. I’d never come so hard in my life, and I could hardly decide how to react to the explicit, all-consuming feeling of him all around me. Fucking me. Touching me. I felt like everything was changing with each thrust, and as his thrusting grew choppy and he shouted his release to the ceiling, I could only pant through everything I’d just experienced. I could hardly focus on a single thing as he rested inside of me, collapsing above me and holding himself up with only his elbows.

“Fuck,” he whispered. I could only nod in agreement.Fuckwas right. I hadn’t ever experienced anything like this before. Maybe it was because there’d never been an emotional connection between my partner and me, or maybe it was because nobody else could quite fuck like Vincent. I had no idea which option was more likely.

“I’ve never…” I cut myself off, clearing my throat. I could feel the hoarseness in my voice from shouting, though. “I’ve never had something like that before.”

He slowly withdrew himself, and I watched as he pulled his condom off. When had he put that on? Had I been so consumed by the moment that I hadn’t noticed the protection? I must have been. “Me either.” He stood and offered me a hand, and I followed him. I grabbed my clothes from the floor and began redressing as he put back on his pants and left the shirt wherever it had been tossed across the room. He immediately glanced back down at the documents on his desk, but his eyes didn’t move over them. He stared blankly for a moment before meeting my gaze again. “I can have a few tasks assigned to you,” he said. “Ineedto give you some tasks.”

I furrowed my brows and buttoned my pants. “I’m happy to take some of your work from you, but…why do you say it like it’s the most important thing in the world?”

“Mia, you can’t be this oblivious.”

I shook my head and straightened. “What the hell do you mean by that?” I asked defensively.

“You have to realize that I want to come across the room and continue fucking you. If given the chance, I don’t think I’ll ever stop, and we’re in the middle of a conflict that could kill us all if I’m not diligent about where and how I spend my time.” He looked me up and down. “If I spend all of my time inside of you as I’d prefer, it won’t end well for any of us.”

“It’d end well for me,” I mused, biting my bottom lip as I considered going another round with him. I had a feeling my thoughts would hover around sex with him every moment of the day for at least a week.

“Mia,” he warned.

“What? It would.”

“You need to have tasks so that I don’t come in and fuck you every time I have a chance,” he said with a long sigh. I opened my mouth, but he cut me off with a raised hand. “Don’t argue with me about this. I’ll have some tasks ready for you tomorrow.”
