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It’s clear this is nothing either of us expected. But it’s time we both come to terms with it. I push back my desk chair. I have every intention of striding to her room and settling this. We’re both being forced into this. She doesn’t owe me anything, including her body.

But just then, my phone rings. Damnit. I pull it out with a scowl. It softens when I see it’s Vincent.

“You’re supposed to be off your phone and enjoying the beach,” I growl.

My new son-in-law chuckles. “Just wanted to check in, Micheal.”

“We’re good here. Go back to your vacation.”

He pauses. I know Vincent well enough from the years to know he’s not just “checking in.” Especially at this hour. I sigh. “You heard then; I assume?”

“Dominic,” he grunts. “Don’t get mad at the guy. I told him to keep tabs on you for me while I was away.”

I think about my upstart captain who mouthed off to Anton back in the meeting. I smile. Vincent is good, and he’s good at who he picks to work with. I’m only now realizing that Dominic has been spending a bit more time than usual being closer to me.

“So, I guess congratulations are in order?”

I grunt. “Something like that.”

“A Korolyov, huh?”

“Salvestro,” I mutter back.

Vincent groans. “I figured that was the driving force.” He sighs heavily. “So, I guess marrying his niece ties us to Anton from here on out.”

I grunt in response.

“I hear she’s pretty young.”

I scowl. “Would you really like to go down that road, Vincent?” My second in command is eleven years older than my daughter Bellamy. My tone conveys the warning it’s intended too. Vincent eases back.

“No, sir,” he says with a quiet chuckle.

“It’s not as if I was looking for this,” I growl. “It’s an arrangement for the organization. That’s it.”

“Oh, is that it?”

My frown deepens across my brow. “Yes, Vincent. That’s it.”

“I heard she’s pretty.”

“And I’m twenty fucking years her senior,” I mutter. “It’s unseemly.”

Vincent chuckles deeply. “Micheal, I think you might be putting too much weight with this. You’re not exactly collecting social security yet, old man.”

“Watch it,” I mutter. My son-in-law laughs.

“Hey, you’re not pulling a Bernardo. That shitisunseemly.”

I smile and sigh.

“When are you going to tell Bellamy?”

My smile evaporates. “That her new step-mother and her could have gone to school together?” I groan “Soon. It has to be soon.” I frown. “Vincent, I’d rather…”

He laughs loudly. “Oh I’m not cracking that box open. That’s all you, Micheal.”

“There’s that unflinching loyalty I was looking for in my second in command,” I say dryly.
